Part 2 ~ Caramel Candy

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~ Joanna's point of view ~

I just got out of the bathtub . . the warm water really helps my stomach cramps. I'm still angry . . not at Michael though, I'm angry at the freakin' situation . . I can't go a day without my phone . . . it's impossible.

I put on some comfy clothes and make myself something to drink. My phone starts ringing just as I'm about to take my first sip. Since the screen is shattered I can't see who's calling but I know it's Michael . . he has his special ringtone on my phone. "U Got It Bad" by Usher.


"JoJo . . screw the chocolate . . I got something better for you, open the door!"

I hang up the phone and open the door. There is Michael holding a white plastic bag in his hand. "I couldn't do much better but this is all I could afford" I look inside the bag and very quickly my frown turns into a little smile. "No you didnt . . ."

"Yes I did . . not exactly the one you had but close . . . "

"Aww muffin . . you didn't have to. ."

He walks in and takes off his jacket. "Believe me, I had to . . hope you like it"

"I do . . thank you Michael . . that was really sweet!"

"You're welcome . . . umm, do you have any of these chocolates left?"

"No. . ."

"Dang girl. . . you ate them all?!"

"Well, you gave them to ME! I didn't know you wanted me to share with you!"

"Well. . . we're best friends . . . we usually share the good food"

"Sorry :) . . thanks again for the phone, really . . that was so generous of you!"

I give him a tight hug and a kiss him on the neck. Michael can be such a pain in the ass but when it comes down to it, he's always there, he knows what to say, what to do . . . he's an amazing friend, I wouldn't trade his ass for the world.

"Are you going to Alicia's party tomorrow?"

"Yes . . that's why I'm leaving early from work tomorrow. .
are you coming too?. . that's if she invited you. . "

"Hey. . of course she invited me but I think she was pushed by Miranda. . that girl got the hots for me . . not just a little crush . . she's crazy . . but I'm going with YOU, Jojo . . you have to keep Miranda as far away from me as even possible"

"I'll try my best"

Alicia is my friend from highschool . . I guess you could say that she's my best female friend. Her friend Miranda got it bad for Michael . . . she's a pretty girl and she's ok but she's definitely out of her mind when it comes to Michael. . . ever since highschool she can not stop drooling over Michael . . . it's funny in a way but I also feel bad for her . . Miranda is so not Michael's type. . he repeats that to me over and over.

"Are you staying the night, Mike?"

"I'd love to but I can't . . my mom wants me to stay at her place, she's still in the wheelchair. Her leg is still not fully healed. . . I'll see you at Alicia's party tomorrow, 8am? do you want me to pick you up?"

"Alright, pick me up at 7:45pm"

NEXT DAY ~ 6pm
~ Michael's point of view ~

I'm standing in line at the grocery store. I'm getting some new hair gel. I'm just standing here minding my own business when all of a sudden I hear Miranda's voice calling my name from the very back of the line. "Mikeee! wohoo!" . . She squeezes herself between me and the thick lady in front of me. "Hi Michael . . I'm glad you're coming to the party! I'm looking forward to dancing with you. . . you and me, our arms wrapped around each other, soft music playing in the background . . aww . . I can almost taste it . . by the way, that's an amazing cologne you're wearing. . what's it called?" 

"It's called 'Leave me alone' . . . "

"Uwww . . playing hard to get, huh Mikey? I like that about you. . ."

I pay the cashier and walk to my car. Miranda is following my every step. I wish she would just leave me alone. The problem with this girl is, she cannot take a hint . . I could say the meanest things to her and she would still not get it. . . but I'm not that kind of guy . . I could never hurt someone on purpose . . but there are times and situations when you have no other choice.

"Miranda, it was nice seeing you. . . adios!"

"Are you saying goodbye already? don't you wanna hang around a little bit?"

"Miranda . . we're at the same party tonight . . will you survive until then?"

"Hehe . . I'll try ;) see you then, caramel candy"

"Bye . . . "

I get in the car and first thing I do, is turn up the music real loud. This girl takes up so much energy, it's ridiculous . . she's like a pesky bee flying around your head . . you keep trying to slap it dead but you just won't catch it . . . . anyway . . . I'm going home and get ready for the party . . I have to pick up Joanna at 7:45pm"


Joanna and I just walked in . . . it's a nice place. Alicia has great taste! "Hey!! I'm so glad you guys could come, please make yourselves at home and grab a frozen margarita! I already had 5 and I'm flyin'. .  wohooo!" 

"Thanks Alicia, happy 25th birthday!!"

"Thank you Mikey bear!!"

I sit down on the couch next to Joanna and realize that I didn't even buy Alicia a present. "Jojo, I totally forgot to buy her a present!!! did you get her something?" - "Yea, I got her a necklace from claires" - "Can I write my name on your birthday card? . . you know, so Alicia thinks that it's from the both of us?"

"You didn't even get her a card??"

"Jo . . . I was standing in line at Walmart with Miranda, ok!? she drove me crazy, I totally forgot! and by the way, you OWE me! . . and you owe be BIG! I bought you a freakin' new iPhone!!!" - "Alright butthead! . . sign the card!"

"Ohh Miiiikeeeeeeeyyyy. . . "

I look to my right and feel how the hairs on the back of my neck stand up . . .
Miranda is here . . . let the party begin -.-

~ to be continued

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