Part 7 ~ Why now?

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Great . . !!! -.- why did Miranda have to come?!!

I'd rahter have coffee and cake with a goat right now but I guess it's the same thing. I give Miranda a fake smile and put my bag to the other side of the table to make room for her to sit. 

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome . . ."

"So Joanna . . I hope you're feeling better. . ."


"You know . . friday night . . you were pretty hammered. . Michael had to carry you to his car. You drank tons of alcohol . . I hope you guys made it home safely, but I'm sure you did. ."

"Yes we did . . thanks!"

Alicia jumps into the conversation. . 
"Miranda, you and Michael went shopping huh? how was it?"

. . . UGH!! why did she have to ask her that?!!! . . .

Miranda tells Alicia everything that happened. All the stores they went in, all the food they ate . . . I can't even listen to her . . she sounds so stupid talking about MY best friend, making it sound like hes her friend too . . just because they went shopping together. . .she's so pathetic . . I would love to rip her fake blonde hair out . . .

"Michael was so sweet you guys . . he even bought me a frozen yogurt!" 

He bought her a frozen yogurt? . . so what? he bought me a brand new iphone. .
God, I wish she would just stop talking. Her voice is irritating me -.-

I take out my phone and send Michael a text message:

He replies surprisingly fast:
"Why? . . what did I do now?"

I put the phone back in my purse and pretend to listen to Miranda. She's going on and on about her shopping afternoon with Michael. To be honest, I don't even know why I'm so mad at her all of a sudden. She was after Michael ever since I can remember . . . why does it bother me NOW? . . I guess it's because Michael finally agreed to spend time with her . . . it's just so weird to me! why would he wanna hang out with her? He hated her and now all of a sudden they're getting along? . . . I don't get it . . . 

"Joanna . . as much as I care about Michael, I really must say that you guys would make a great couple . . you're both so beautiful . . Michael is so goddamn handsome and you're so pretty . ."

I can't tell if Miranda is actually being nice or if she's just kissing up . . . 
either way, I'm annoyed.

"Michael and I are best friends, Miranda . . friendship lasts for a lifetime . . we're not interested in each other and you know why? because we're meant to be friends . . we love each other in a friendly way . . that's what a good friendship is, you know?"

"I understand . . . gosh, I wish I had a friend like Michael . . but to be honest, I don't think I could resist him. Just being friends with a man like him? . . I wonder how you can hold yourself back, Joanna"

"Hold myself back? . . why?!"

"Michael is a knock out . . he's a fine piece of caramel candy in my eyes . . I could not stand just being friends with him . . . I envy you Joanna . . I don't know how you do it"

"Michael is good looking, YES . . but why should that make me wanna go at him? just because you're so into him doesn't mean I have to be! . . Michael and I have been friends for many, many years . . He doesn't care about what I got going on down there and I don't care about what he got going on down there . . . we're FRIENDS, friends don't feel attracted to each other! why is that so hard for you to understand?"

"I don't know Joanna . . . I just wish one day my friendship with Michael gets to a point where we can be totally comfortable with each other. . you know . . like you two are! . . but our friendship will grow in time, I'm not gonna rush it"

"Your friendship will grow? . . what 'friendship' are you even talking about, Miranda?! Michael is not your friend just because you two went shopping together one time, ok? a real good friendship needs years to form and grow . . . you can't call it a 'friendship' after just one afternoon of shopping . . Michael agreed to go shopping with you because you know why? he felt BAD for you . . that's why! . . there is NO friendship growing whatsoever . . . now if you'll excuse me, my bus is leaving in 5 minutes and I don't wanna miss it! . . . . bye Alicia, I call you!"

"Bye hun . . ."

~ Michael's point of view ~ 

What was that text message about?! . . "JACKASS" ? . . why would she call me that? . . that girl is crazy when she's on her period . . I hope it's over soon. . .

I'm out with Warren . . he's a good friend of mine . . we're driving around in my car cruising for chicks . . that's what we do sometimes when we're bored on a sunday. Warren used to date Joanna like 7 years ago . . and that's kinda how we met. They went out for like 3 or 4 weeks and then she dumped him . . . one day he came to her place to take his playstation back and I was there sitting on her couch playing on it . . . that was so awkward. . . 

I remember him sitting down without a question asked. . and then we played some games together. . later that day he took his playstation back to his place and from that day on we started hanging out . . and now we're good friends. But we don't play video games as often as we used to . . . we both love cars and driving around town is one of our favorite things to do. Joanna loves driving too but it's not the same with her . . I can't holla at girls when she's with me . . 

We're at Burger King now, enjoying a big meal. 

"Hey Mike . . why don't you pick up your phone?"

"It's my sister, I'm not in the mood right now. . . ."

"Why? what's going on?"

"She wants money . . she only calls me when she needs something and I'm sick of it . . I'm not gonna pick up . . she can go to my dad if she wants something. I'm not giving her any more money!"

"Damn . . . and how's Joanna doing?"

"Dude, funny that you mention her . . she's acting all weird lately . . I've never seen her act so damn crazy about another girl . . you know Joanna, you know her well,  she's not the jealous type . . but now it seems like she's a whole different person . . I went shopping with Miranda yesterday and Joanna went all crazy on me . . . do you maybe have an idea what's wrong with her?! I mean, why would that bother her? could she be jealous? . . Oh, and I might add, she's on her period . . . please tell me it's because of her period . . . ."

"I don't know man . . . maybe she's falling for you"

"Don't be crazy . . Joanna is not falling for me, we're friends"

"So what? you're a man and she's a woman . . it's natural"

"No, no . . not US . . we're not natural . . we're friends, JUST friends . . she couldn't possibly be falling for me . . and if she were, she would definitely tell me . . I know her, she could not keep it to herself but I do think she's jealous though . . . just a little bit you know? . . maybe she's afriad I start hanging out with Miranda and spend less time with her . . do you think that could be it?"

"Michael . . you sound like a woman, haha"

"My best friend is a woman, I spend a lot of time with her . . and thanks -.-"

"You know what I mean . . . you're making a big deal out of nothing, Mike . . just be cool about it . . it'll go away . . soon everything will be back to normal and Joanna will not even give a single f*ck about Miranda hanging out with you . . . maybe it's just because of her period . . ."

"I hope so . . I really hate arguing with her . . I don't like it"

~ Joanna's point of view ~ 

It's 6pm . . I spent the whole afternoon hanging in front of my TV, stuffing myself with ice cream and cookies. I kinda feel bad now for sending Michael that text message but I had to. When Miranda was talking about Michael buying her a frozen yogurt I got mad . . Michael always pays for my frozen yogurt! . . I guess I don't like the sound of Michael spending money on another woman . . ugh . . . I'm being such a jealous b*tch about all this . . . why can't I just not care? . . . why is it so hard for me to not care? . . . it never bothered me before . . why now? 

~ to be continued

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