Part 11 ~ ♥ Joanna & Michael ♥

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Dear Michael . . 

I'm sorry I forgot about your birthday =( my dad surprised me with movie tickets. I really wanted to see the new Hilary Duff movie and I guess I just total forgot about you =( I missed your birthday party and I feel horrible about it :( . . . I hope you're not mad at me. You are very very very very very veeeeery important to me and you know that. . right? ♥ ♥ I hope you still wanna come over later. . .watching TV is boring without you =( . . you ignored me at school today and that hurt me a lot. . . I was waiting for you after school and you just walked away. . . I understand that you're angry at me but remember when I was mad at you for ruining my Celine Dion poster?? I was mad at you for 3 whole days but I forgave you, Michael. . and you know why? because we're best friends. And do you remember that week you went to Boston with your family? I missed you so much, I called you every single day. . do you remember? Let's celebrate your birthday tomorrow, ok? Just you and me. . we can do all the things you wanna do . . play video games, listen to your favorite band, eat pizza and ice cream. . . I will do anything to make you feel better  . . . I'm so so so so so so sooooo sorry Michael =( I really hope you forgive me. . . . Mom is making hommade fried chicken tonight . . that's our favorite :)! I hope you come . . . 


Awww . . . I even remember that :') . . Oh gosh . . that was 12 years ago and it feels like yesterday. I can't believe Michael kept that letter for so long . . I would LOVE to hug him right now . . this is just so damn sweet! . . Here's another letter . . a red one . . . I open it and read:

Michael . . !!

I can't believe you kissed Theresa!! why did you do that?! Theresa and I hate each other!!!!!!. . I know we were playing Truth or Dare but still . . you shouldn't have done it!! I'm very very mad at you right now and you know what? I don't even want you to spend this saturday at my place!! you can kiss Theresa all weekend if you want to!!!!!! I HATE YOU!!!!! we're not friends anymore! I don't wanna see you ever again!! 


Oh gosh . . I don't remember this letter . . but I do remember Theresa . . that was like 10 years ago, I believe. . but why did he keep that mean letter? . . . :( awww . . . and here's another one. . I wonder what this letter is all about . . . I open it and read:

Michael. . . 

I just wanted to let you know that you don't have to be embarrassed about what happened. I'm sorrrrrry I laughed at you . . =( I admit that I felt very uncomfortable but that is gone now. I understand that you're a boy and that things like that happen . . . If I had a penis maybe then the same thing would've happened to me too. When I was putting sun screen on your chest I didn't know it turned you on, you know? . . . Next time your penis gets hard, I will not laugh! I will just try to keep it together, ok? you're my best friend and you should not be embarrassed about anything. Just next time I would appreciate it if you could warn me, ok?

Kisses, Joanna!
PS: Don't worry! this stays between us! (forever) 

I don't think I ever laughed so hard in my life. 

This letter is hilarious!! and I remember exactly what happened that day!!! It was a hot summer day, Michael wanted me to put sun screen on him and I guess that got him a little hot and his penis got hard. . he was only wearing shorts that day and I guess that's why it was very noticable . . . haha . . oh my . . this is funny and adorable, I can't believe he kept that letter . . . this is too funny. . I'm crying here . . . I look through the box and find another letter . . . a pink one with a big heart sticker on it. . . I open it and read: 

Hey Mikey =)

I was thinking about our conversation over the phone last night and I really meant what I said. If I ever decide to have sex for the first time I want it to be YOU. I know it sounds crazy since we're friends but there is no other boy that trust the way I trust you . . You're always there for me and I can always count on you . . . we're only 14 years old but if you really do feel stupid for still being a virgin then I will do it with you. . . we just have to find a place where we can be alone. My room wouldn't be the perfect place. . you know my dad loves to barge in . . and so does my mother. Maybe your place, since your parents often leave the house for a long walk at night ?. . . . we still have to talk and plan all the details. Ok? But I want you to know that it's ok being a virgin. . you're not less of a man, we're still very young. But I will do it with you if you really want to. But do you think it will hurt a lot? I've read that the first time isn't very enjoyable. . . and I have to admit that I'm a little scared. . . Will you be gentle? . . .

Please keep this letter close to you! put it in your lunch box or something! 


Awww . . I can't stop crying . . this is the sweetest letter ever!!! I can't believe we talked about sex!!! I don't even remember . . wow . . 11 years ago and now we're all grown up . . having our own apartments, our own jobs, making our own money . . . time flies . . . too fast :') . . .

There is one last letter . . . huh? that's not my handwriting . . that's actually Michael's handwriting and the letter is for me . . . . Huh? this makes no sense, why would he keep a letter that he wrote to me? this letter is exactly 10 years old . . . that would make us both 15 years old . . . I have to read this . . I wonder why he never gave it to me. .

I open and read:
. . . . . . .

~ to be continued ~

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