Part 9 ~ Talking in her sleep

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I take his phone and read his last text message . . 
I knew it . . . it's Miranda . . .

"Hey sweetie . . I was just thinking about you. I'm having a frozen yogurt with my sister and it totally reminded me of you. What are you up to? xoxo Miranda"

Haha . . she can shove her frozen yogurt up her ass . . 

The door opens . . Michael walks in. . F*CK! . . I put his phone back on the coffee table as fast as I can . . but not fast enough. . . he caught me . . . f*ck! He walks over to the kitchen counter . . he forgot his wallet . . .
"Why were you looking at my phone?"

"I was just checking the time"

"I have a clock right above my TV . ."

He takes his phone and leaves without saying another word. Dammit . . why did he have to forget his wallet?! . . 20 minutes later he comes back with a huge grocery bag. He puts the bag on the counter and starts putting away the stuff he bought. . . . he's ignoring me . . . that means he's mad. 

"Michael?. . ."

Still ignoring me. . . . I know he heard me, why can't he just answer?! He puts away the bag and walks over to me with two Dr. Peppers . . He puts my can in front of me an starts drinking his. 

"Thank you . . ."

"You're welcome . . . "

15 minutes pass and he's still being quiet. I put the can on the coffee table and pinch him in his arm. He flinches, giving me an angry look. "Why did you pinch me?" 

"You're not paying any attention to me . . . what's wrong?"

"I just don't know why you were looking at my phone . ."

"I told you, I was checking the time . . ."

He bites his bottom lip. 
"I don't think that's why you were looking at it . ."

"Hey. . you were looking at my boobs earlier. . am I acting stupid about it? no!"

He pauses the movie and looks at me in all seriousness.

"I was looking at your boobs because they weren't fully covered up . . I'm a man, ok? sorry I looked. . but you were checking my phone which I'm not happy about . . . I wouldn't check your phone without you knowing, Joanna . . why were you looking at it? can't you just talk to me instead of looking at it behind my back?"

"I wasn't doing it behind your back . . ."

"Then why weren't you looking at it while I was sitting next to you?!"

". . . . . I don't know!!!"

"You wanted to check my last text message . . . just admit it"

"I don't care about your text messages, Michael . . ."

"Then please explain to me why when I open my phone the last thing I see is the text conversation between me and Miranda? . . just admit it Joanna . . you're jealous . . ."

"Pfff . . why should I be jealous?!"

"I don't know but you are and you know it!"

He turns the TV off and walks over to the kitchen counter. I tuck my hair behind my ear, thinking of something I could say . . . I'm not gonna admit that I'm jealous . . . I just wanted to check what she texted him . . what's so bad about that? . . . he's hiding something, that's why he's acting like this . . there is something going on between him and Miranda, that's why he doesn't want me to check his phone . . I'm not in the wrong here . . HE IS . . we're best friends. . he shouldn't keep things from me. 

"You know what Michael? . . I don't even wanna talk about this . ."

"But I do! . . you've been acting weird ever since I went shopping with Miranda . .
just admit it, you're JEALOUS, Joanna!"

"You're crazy Michael . . ."

"I'm not the crazy one, YOU are, Jo!"

"I don't care about your text messages and I don't care about Miranda . . what you guys got going on there is none of my business and I couldn't care less, ok? . . so stop assuming that I'm jealous because I'm not!"

~ Michael's point of view ~

I can't believe her . .
why can't she just admit that she's jealous? 

"Michael, I'm not talking to you about this anymore . . I'm going to bed!"

She gets up, walks into my bedroom and closes the door.
"For your information Joanna, that's MY bedroom!"

I finish my Dr. Pepper and get ready for bed. I open the bedroom door . . she's sleeping on my favorite spot. . . on purpose. I turn off the lights and get in bed . . . and of course she's using both pillows . . 

"Can I at least have a pillow?!"

No answer . . . 

I get a pillow and a blanket from my bedroom closet and get back in bed. It's crazy that I have to sleep uncomfortably IN MY OWN BED because she is mad at me . . . this makes no sense. We're acting like a couple right now . . . an arguing couple. 

It's 2 in the morning . . the loud rain just woke me up. I look over to Joanna . . she's fast asleep. I turn around to face the wall and try to fall back asleep . . . all of a sudden I feel Joanna's hand on the back of my neck . . . what is she doing?

I turn around . . she places her hand on my cheek. 

"No mom . . I'm not in love . . I'm not in love with Michael. . . we're just friends"

. . . . . 

She's talking in her sleep . . . 

. . . . . 

"He's my best friend, mom . ."

. . . . . 

"I don't know how long his penis is, Alicia . . ."

. . . . .

"Why am I so sad mom? . . why does it make me so sad?"

. . . . .

"No, no no . . no more fried chicken . . I had enough . . that's too much, mom"

. . . . .

I can't help but laugh a little . . . 

. . . . .

"No mom . . I haven't seen Michael naked. . ."

. . . . . 

"No, we're not having sex, mom . . ."

. . . . .

"You're right Alicia . . Michael does have a sexy little ass . . ."

. . . . . 

Hehe . . I like that dream!

. . . . .

"Michael is mine and not yours, ok? . . keep your hands off of him or I'm gonna take this ketchup bottle and shove it down your throat . . "

. . . . .

Woah . . .

~ to be continued

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