Part 14 ~ "Please don't hurt me"

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That dream felt so real . . I'm actually wet down there! . . Oh boy!

Michael's phone call woke me up. . . how ironic . . . he finally calls. What time is it anyway? too late, that's for sure. I pick up the phone in a sleepy voice. "Hello?"

"Hey Jojo . . are you still up?"

". . Yea. . ummm, I gotta tell you something . ."

". . I'm glad I didn't wake you, I just wanted to tell you that I met a girl tonight. I was out with Warren at a restaurant having some beers and there she was . . and she's a real beauty . . can you believe that she walked me home? Haha . . I was like woaaah, I never had a girl walk me home before . . especially not on the first day, haha! usually it's the other way around, right? hehe . . anyway, what did you say? you wanna tell me something?"

"Umm . . you know what? I just totally forgot what I was about to say, hehe . . . anyway, I'm going to bed now. . . glad you had a nice evening. . . what's her name?" 

"Adriana . . . :)"

". . . Beautiful name"

"I know, right? . . sounds so exotic in a way . . ok, I'm gonna let you sleep now, I'm sure you're tired from working the late shift, I'll call you tomorrow, ok?"

"Ok . . . good night"

"Night babycakes! love ya!"

"Love ya too. . ."

~ Michael's point of view ~ 

It's 6:35pm . . I just came home from work. Joanna didn't text me back all day. . maybe she's just busy at work. I called her a few times but she didn't pick up . . I hope she's ok. I had a hard day today. . work was busy and I'm STARVING. . . I'll order a pizza. . . I'm too lazy to whip something up. 

I've been thinking about this Adriana girl today . . I can't believe I forgot to get her number!!! . . she does live down the street but still . . I should've asked. I guess I was too busy looking at her smoking hot body . . . . Miranda texted me at lunch time today . . she wants to go to the movies with me. . . not sure if I wanna go . . I kinda wanna hang out with Joanna tonight and watch a movie or something. . . why doesn't she text me back? . . . I should go over there really quick and make sure everything's ok before I give Miranda an answer.

I take a quick shower, put on some fresh clothes and drive over to Joanna's place. The lights are on so she must be home. . . I park the car in her driveway and walk up to the door . . . what? . . why is the door not closed? . . I walk inside . . "Joanna?" . . I walk into the living room. . she's not there . . .

I walk into her bedroom . . she's not there either . .

Why are the lights on and the door open when she's not even here? 

All of a sudden I hear the bathroom door close loudly. I knock on the door. "Hello? . . Joanna, are you in there? please open the door" I keep knocking . . but it's quiet in there . . . I hear nothing! I could swear that I heard someone close the bathroom door! . . I know I'm not crazy, I heard it. . . It could be that Joanna is having a really bad day and she just wants to be alone. Maybe that's why she never replied to my text messages . . . I'm just gonna leave her alone. She will call me sooner or later.

I walk back to the door . . . 
Joana walks in . . . 

"Joanna?? what are you doing here?? I thought you were in the bathroom!"

"Umm, I think a better question would be, what are YOU doing here? and no, why should I be in the bathroom? I just came home from work . . . what's going on?"

"I hate to break it to you but someone's in your bathroom. . ."


I walk outside with her and close the door. "I'm not kidding . . I came by to check on you . . you never returned my phonecall and you never replied to my text messages, so I came over to check on you . . when I walked up to the door it was already open . . and the lights were on . . I thought you maybe forgot to close the door or something . . and then suddenly the bathroom door closed . . really loudly, it almost hurt my ears . . . so I thought maybe you wanted to be alone or something . . . girl there is someone in your house right now. . no joke!"


"NOO!! why the hell would I make this up?!! get in my car and wait . .
I'll go in and check what's going on in there . . call the police, ok?"

"Are you crazy?!!! you can't go back in there!!"

"I'm gonna be careful, don't worry. . . call the police and hide in my car!!"

I walk back inside . . the bathroom door is open now . . who could this be? I walk into the bathroom . . I see nothing unusual . . I slowly go back to the living room . . that's when the door closes. Again, very loudly.  I turn around, there's a man standing there with a knife in his hand. . . 

"Don't move!!!!!"

. . Oh dear God . . 

He slowly walks up to me. My heart is pounding in my chest. .

"I'll give you money, please just leave . . ."

"How much do you have???!!"

"I don't know how much I have but I give you everything in my wallet, ok??" 

He pushes me down to the floor . . .

I throw it at him . . he opens it and throws it right back at me. 

"There's nothing in here, are you fucking kidding me?!!!
do you think this is funny? I'm gonna fucking kill you!!!!"

"I, I, I'm sorry I didn't know it was empty, I thought I had like 200 bucks
in there, I swear, I'm sorry. . . I didn't know!!!! I'm not joking with you . . ."

"You can tell that to my knife you f*cking ass*hole!!!!! now give me some money or something of good value!!!! . . your watch!!!! give me your watch!!!! NOW!!!!!!"

I take off my silver watch that my father gave me for my birthday . . . 
"Here it is . . please don't hurt me . . ."

The door opens . . .

NO!!!! . . . it's not the police. . . it's JOANNA!!!

"GO BACK OUT!! . . RUN AWAY!!!" 

~ to be continued

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