Part 21 ~ A new beginning (final part)

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The smile on Michael's face makes me feel better instantly. 

He came over to bring me a bouquet of roses. Roses. My mind is blank. There are so many thoughts running through my mind right now. He came over to bring me roses . . ROSES . . why roses? . . I finally manage to open my mouth. "Thank you, they're beautiful" I take the flowers and tell him to come in. 

Mom is standing by the stove, looking at us with a loving smile on her face. Why do I have the feeling that she purposely didn't hang up the phone? I know my mom. She wanted this to happen . . she knew Michael would come over. 

She walks out to the living room after giving Michael and me a kiss on the cheek. We keep standing in the hallway in total silece for a little while but then move over to the kitchen chairs. I'm overwhelmed by this beautiful bouquet . . I wish I knew the message behind it. I doubt that it's Love . . 

"Joanna" He bites his bottom lip pausing for a while. . "I knew something was up. You started acting weirder and wierder and I never knew what was going on but thanks to the conversation with you mom, I finally know what's up" I'm just sitting here, listenting to him talk. . . my heart is on a run . . going faster than ever. I wanna say something but no words come out. . . I'm too busy reminding myself to keep it together. The fuzzy feeling in my stomach keeps me warm . . while my hands feel like they're frozen. 

"What you said to your mother about me, how you feel and everything, shouldn't worry you, Joanna. you're a part of me. . we're a team . . and I'm not using the word 'Friend' to describe you right now because that wouldn't feel right . . . . you're more . . . and I want you to know that"

I'm fighting inside. . tears want to come out but I don't wanna cry right now. .
Michael's words feel so comforting. .

"Joanna . . what you said got me thinking . . I admit that I'm surprised, I mean, I didn't know that you had these kinds of feelings for me. . I had no clue . . all I knew was that something was going on. . I wish you would've told me though . . that would've helped a little. . . or a lot"

"Michael . . I'm sorry . . I didn't mean for this to happen . . it just happened"

"And I'm sorry I didn't know. . ."

"Michael . . you don't have to be sorry about anything. I should be the one to feel sorry. . I didn't mean to make you worry, It's just that, I don't want any of this to ruin our friendship . . I planned on never telling you . . . but now that you know, I guess I can't take it back. . ."

"You don't have to take it back, Joanna . . and nothing will ever ruin what we have and what we are. Your happiness means more to me than you know. . . when you feel bad, I feel bad . . . and this is the exact same thing . . . you fell in love . . now I wanna fall in love. . . "

"Michael . . I don't understand . . . "

"Joanna. . . when I heard you say you love me over the phone, the first thing I did was grab my car keys and drive to the nearest flower shop I could find. I wanna see a smile on your face, not tears running down. . . you mean so much more to me than you realize" He looks down. "I want us to be OK . . and I'm not ok without you. . . don't hide from me now . . . please"

"I'm not ok without you either, Michael . . ."

He takes the flowers and walks me to the door. "Let's go back home and talk this through, ok?" He picks up my purse and gives it to me. "Thank you"

I say goodbye to my mom and dad and leave with Michael. We get in the car and drive back to his place. I feel warm in my stomach . . not only in my stomach but in every single body part. He wants to take me back to his place . . he's NOT ok without me . . hearing all this means so much to me right now. . .

He parks the car. . . we're not getting out yet. Still sitting next to each other, waiting for the other person to say something. "I bought a new air freshener. . it's vanilla cupcake, I thought you might like it" 

I smile

"Smells good"

He tucks a curl behind his ear. "I'm glad you came with me . . I couldn't fall asleep without you" I look down at the beautiful rose bouquet that Michael gave me . . I feel so special. Michael unbuckles his seatbelt and leans over to my side, giving me a gentle kiss.

"I'll be right back. . wait here, ok?"


He gets out of the car and walks inside. 

That kiss was so sweet. . . but what is he doing? . . why do I have to wait in the car? After 3 minutes of waiting, I decide to go in and check on what's taking him so long . . I open the door and walk in . . Oh my god . . Michael is lighting a bunch of candles everywhere around the livingroom . .

"Michael? . . . "

He walks up to me. .

My heart is racing. .

He pulls me up to his chest and kisses me on my forehead.

"I used to watch TV and eat on the couch with my best friend  *kisses me*
. . now I wanna burn candles for my girlfriend" . . *kisses me again*

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