Part 19 ~ Beautiful Mistake

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~ Michael's point of view ~ 

I feel amazing . .
I'm exhausted but I feel AMAZING! :)

It is kind of a weird feeling to know that I just had sex with my best friend but honestly, what's there to feel weird about? There's actually nothing weird about it at all. We're two adult people who shared a very intimate moment together . . I enjoyed it and I know she did too. I should not feel weird about this at all. And by the way, in a couple of days we will laugh about this :)

. . Dang, I'm so full of energy right now, I could climb a mountain :D 

I walk back to my bedroom, put on fresh clothes and join Joanna in the livingroom. She's sitting on the couch, drinking coffee.

"Hey . . that was really nice huh? . . . Jojo? . . . hello? did you hear what I said?"

She nods. .
"Yea, it was beautiful. . ."

"Are you ok? you seem a little distracted. ."

She puts the coffee mug on the coffee table.
"No, I'm fine :) I'm just a little tired, that's all" 

"Yea . . me too . . we were ON FIRE! huh? . . ohh and the condom is fine, I checked it very well, there is no hole . . we don't have to worry about a thing :)"

"Good to know . . "

"Joanna? . . are you sure you're ok?"

"Yes . . I'm sure. . why?!"

"I'm just . . I don't know . . . . . are you regretting it now?"

"No . . are you crazy? I loved it! it was very nice . . I'm just tired that's all :)"

"Ok then :) . . . want something to eat? I'm in the mood for chicken!"

"I'm not hungry. . . thanks"


Joanna has been acting so weird today. We spent all afternoon sitting in front of the TV . . no talking . . no nothing. We just sat there like two strangers. I'm having a bad feeling that having sex was a big mistake. I know Joanna . . she's thinking about it right now. . I'm not saying she regrets it but there is some bad tension in the air and I can feel it very well . . . 

She did mention something about our friendship changing . . but I assured her that nothing will change. We had sex, yes . . but that doesn't mean a thing. We're still friends, she's still my girl, I still respect and appreciate her like I did before. Nothing has changed in my eyes . . . she should know that.

"Joanna . . is there something you wanna do? like, watch a movie . . or . . go out for a ride . . or . . I don't know . . you tell me . . I'm a little lost here. I kinda miss our talks, we haven't talked all afternoon"

"There's just a lot going on in my mind right now . . I'm sorry Michael, I don't mean to be so silent. Let's just go out for a ride . . I think a little bit of fresh air would do us good" 

"Sounds great . . I'm all for it :)"

~ Joanna's point of view ~ 

We're in Michael's car now driving around town, looking for a place where we could hang out. It's raining hard . . there is no chance that we can go take a walk . . not even with an umbrella . . it would get blown away. . it's terrible weather. . . again, it totally fits my mood. 

"Hey, what do you say about hanging around at the mall, huh? we haven't done that in a while :) you love shopping . . you can look at your girly things and I'm gonna look for stuff I'm interested in and then we meet at the ice cream parlour . . what do you say?"

"Ok :)"

We walk inside. The mall is packed and stinky. So many people are here. Mothers with they're children . . a lot of children . . it's loud in here . . you can't even hear the music playing in the background. I can't get my mind free from all this thinking. My heart is beating faster than usual . . . it has still not calmed down . . and I don't think it will. Having se*x with Michael was a huge mistake . . . . even though I loved every second of it, we shouldn't have done it. 

I can't even look at him without feeling weird . . . and by weird I mean different. I still see him naked. His caramel skin . . his dark brown eyes . . his big hands all over me . . . I'm hurting. Michael didn't say a word about us being friends or maybe being a little more than just friends . . . nothing. I was hoping he would come up to me and talk to me about the se*x and how it made him feel and everything . . . I wanted to talk . . . I wanted to have a real conversation . . . and maybe a hug . . . or a kiss. 

Just something comforting . . .

. . but instead I sat there with my coffee waiting for him to make a move. Waiting for him to come over to me . . . maybe put an arm around me . . . well, he gave me a hug but it didn't make me feel good . . I wanted to get a real hug . . . a hug with feelings, a hug that lasts more than just 5 seconds. . . I wanted to look into his eyes and just stare . . . . I feel sick to my stomach knowing that I'm falling for him . . and I'm falling HARD . .  more and more . . and the worse part is that his feelings aren't changing.

I get warm inside when I picture him on top of me . . . I would love to grab him and tell him about my feelings but I'm scared that it will change something between us . . . Michael means more than just the world to me . . having a best friend like him is precious and should be sacred to a girl's heart. . . Michael always was sacred to me . . . and now even more. 

"Woaa. . look at that big easter bunny over there!"

I look at the bunny and force a smile. "It looks like you, Michael"

He laughs. "I wanna take a picture with him for my Instagram!"

Gosh, he's so silly . . . He hands me his phone. I take a picture of him and the easter bunny. Michael hugs him. "Thank you!! have a nice day!" The bunny man gives him a little basket with eggs and chocolates inside. . . . The look on Michael's face is like a kid's in a candy store. He's such a baby . . . "Look at all this candy, Jojo . . it's all mine . . mine mine mine, HAHA!"

OH NO . . .

PLEASE . . . .

MIRANDA is walking up to us

She's holding a bag from bath and body works and one from VS. . . UGHHHHHHH . . why!? . . why now? . . this is such a bad timing. "Oh my god, Michael what happened to your nose? it look red and swollen, were you in a fight?? . . you poor baby you . ."

"It's ok, I'm alright. . thanks Miranda :)"

She gives Michael a tight hug. .
"Awww. . I feel so sorry for you Michael . . is it still hurting?" 

She places her hand on his cheek and takes a closer look at his nose. Why does she have to put her hand on his cheek? . . I'm gonna put my hand on her cheek too . . . in a very fast way . . . making a slapping sound, hoping it will leave a mark!! 

"No . . it's not as bad anymore, it's healing fine"

She looks at Michael from top to bottom. He's wearing really cute clothes today. .  his favorite tight black jeans . . a dark blue shirt with a white v neck underneath and his hair is in a messy ponytail . . he looks really handsome today and I can tell by the look on Miranda's face that I'm not the only one feeling this way. . 

"I don't wanna take up too much of your time Michael, it was nice seeing you again and please call me whenever you wanna take me up on that offer :) . . ok?"

"I sure will . . see you around Miranda"

"Bye you guys!"

Michael turns around and watches her leave . . . that just hits me like a knife. 

"Wanna watch a movie tonight?" He asks.

"No thanks . . . ."

"Jojo . . may I please be part of what's going on in your head right now?!"

"Oh . . don't worry, you're playing a bigger part than you know" I whisper.

"What are you talking about? why are you acting so weird? what have I done?"

"Nothing Michael . . everything is OK! why can't you just believe me??"

"I don't believe you . . I just don't! . . I know you!!! I know you very well . . there is something going on with you and you refuse to tell me . . whatever the reason is, I want you to talk to me about it! . . is it the se*x? . . please tell me the truth . . you regret it, don't you?"

". . . As a matter of fact I do" 

"Oh . . ."

He sits down on a huge rock next to the fountain . . I'm pretty sure I just hurt his feelings. . I can tell. I know when Michael is sad . . he tends to shake his head very lightly, looking down . . whispering to himself . . . and that's what he's doing right now . . . 

"I'm sorry Miranda . . I . ."

"Miranda?! . . you're kidding right? tell me that was a bad joke!!
did you just seriously call me Miranda?!?!"

"I didn't mean to!!! . . I was gonna say Joanna but for some weird reason I had her name on my tongue and it just slipped out . . I'm not thinking about her or anything, I was just . . I'm, I'm having a lot of thoughts in my head right now . . . . ok?! . . . I'm sorry . . . I'm sorry for being a tiny little bit confused. . . . my best friend just told me that she's regretting the beautiful se*x we had earlier today . . . EXCUSE ME for feeling a tiny little bit upset about it!! . . "

I walk away and leave him there . . . 

~ to be continued

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