Part 8 ~ "Are you and Michael having sex?"

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Monday after work . . 

I went to my mom's place right after work. I wasn't in the mood to cook and on mondays mom ALWAYS makes her own fried chicken. I love it . . it's my favorite food and my mom is a terrific cook!

"Honey, are you alright?"

"Yea, why?"

"You look stressed out . . is everything ok at work?"

"Mom, I'm fine"

"I know my girl . . you're not fine, what's going on?"

I take a sip from my coffee and take a quick look oustide. . It's still raining.
"Mom, nothing is going on, why don't you believe me?" 

"Honey, I know you. . . are you having boy troubles? another broken relationship that went down the drain? did Liam call you again?" - "Momm!! no . . Liam didn't call! and no, I'm not having boy troubles . . it's something else. . . ."

She takes off her apron and sits down at the kitchen table across from me.
"Are you pregnant?"

"NO!!! Mom, I don't have a boyfriend! I'm not having sex!"

"Honey, you don't have to have a boyfriend to have sex nowadays . . spit it out! . . Joanna, I will not stop until you finally tell me what's going on with you!"

"It's Miranda!!! . . . Michael and her are getting along. . ."

"So? why should that bother you?"

"It bothers me because he always hated her, you know? and now all of a sudden they're getting along! he went shopping with her, mom! they had a great time!! . . did you hear me?! THEY HAD A GREAT TIME!! how can you possibly have a great time with Miranda? she's annoying as f*ck! . . she was always after Michael, ever since I can remember and I never gave a f*ck . . but now that he's hanging out with her, it bothers me . . ."

"Oh honey, honey honey . . sounds like you're in love"

"I'm not in love mom . ."

"Are you and Michael having sex?"

"NOO!! why would you even ask me that?"

"Well . . when two friends are having sex their feelings for each other change. It's not possible to maintain a friendship when you're having sex . . . it's the way you touch and kiss . . that's just not something friends would do . . Michael is a good looking guy. . I wouldn't be surprised if you had feelings for him, honey"

"Well, I DON'T have feelings for Michael, MOM! . . and we're not having sex! we never did it, we never wanted to do it and we will never do it, ok? . . we're FRIENDS! . . all I wanna know is, why do I feel like I'm losing him? . . Michael told me a million times that he's not interested in her and I believe him but why do I feel scared mom? . . why do I feel like I'm losing him?"

"You maybe feel like that because you're so used to having him to yourself . . Michael and you spend a lot of time together, Joanna. . . when you were still living here with us, Michael spent countless nights here, you guys did everything together . . . "

"Mom, I don't mind him going to clubs. I don't even mind him flirting with girls and I most certainly don't mind him having a girlfriend . . . it's Miranda . . . there's something about her that makes me crazy. Why would Michael suddenly wanna hang out with her? . . he hated her for years and years and now all of a sudden they go shopping together? what's the deal with that, mom? I don't get it . . . "

"Honey, I don't know what else to say . . . I personally believe that you're developing feelings for him and they are getting in the way . . . you're trying to ignore them . . . don't ignore your feelings, honey"

"I don't have feelings for Michael!!! I don't love him the way you think I do!! I love him as a friend . . as a buddy . . a brother . . there is no LOVE going on whatsoever . . . all I want is Michael telling me that he will not see her again . . . I don't want them two hanging out . . ."

"Honey, I think you don't want Michael hanging out with any other girl. . ."

"That's not true . . I just don't want him hanging out with Miranda . ."

"Are you sure? . . ."

~ Michael's point of view ~

Joanna just sent me a text message. She's at her mom's place and she wants me to join them for dinner. I definitely will because today is monday . . . that means homemade fried chicken!!

I knock on the door . . Joanna's mom lets me in with a huge smile on her face. "Hi baby. . I haven't seen you in a while, I hope you're hungry!" - "Thank you so much for having me, I'm starving!" 

I sit down . . . Louise hands me an ice cold glass of watermelon juice.

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome . . . how's it going Michael? anything new?"

"No, not really . . work is pretty busy but that's nothing new"

Joanna's father walks in. 

"Michael!! nice to see you, haven't seen you in a while! how are ya?"

"I'm good Charles! how are you?"

He sits down next to me.
"You're here for the homemade fried chicken, aren't ya?" 

"You got me! ^^ . . ."

I love Joanna's parents . . they're both a lot of fun. . but you can tell that Joanna got her sense of humor from her dad though! . . he cracks me up. . he's simply hilarious. I wish my dad was like that . . . he's more serious and he barely makes jokes . . . I love to laugh and Charles never fails to make me laugh. 

1 hour later . . . 

We ate dinner and I'm stuffed. I couldn't eat another bite. Louise wants me to have a piece of cake but I couldn't . . I'm gonna explode at any time. Joanna and I drink another cup of coffee and get ready to leave. I'm so ready to sleep . . . eating so much food makes you tired. We say goodbye and walk out to the parking lot.

"Jo . . wanna watch a movie at my place?"

". . Sure"

We get in my car and drive to my place. I change into my pyjama pants and a white v neck shirt. Joanna is sitting in front of the TV, waiting for me to pick out a movie with her.

"Do you wanna watch Titanic?"

"That's a 4 hour movie, Jo . . "

"Come on . . please!! I'm in the mood for Titanic!"

"Fine . ."

I sit down next to her . . the movies starts. . . I love Titanic but the movie is so long . . Joanna and I always end up crying . . . I'm a woman when it comes to movies. I can be sensitive if I want to . . 

Joanna is wearing a nice top. . . I like how it shows off her boobs. She's got nice ones. They're not too big though . . they're little and I bet they woudl fit perfecty in my hand. . . . wait, why am I thinking about her breasts? . . . 

"Are you looking at my beasts. . ?"

"I'm not"

"Sure you are . . I totally caught you!"

"I was looking at your top . .  is it new? I never seen it on you"

"Yes it's new . . . thanks for noticing . . ."

~ Joanna's point of view ~ 

Michael just got a text message . . . He's looking at his phone now, reading it. 

"Mike, I'm so in the mood for a Dr.Pepper. . can you get me one at the gas station?"


I pause the movie. He puts on his shoes and jacket and leaves . . I'm not actually in the mood for a Dr.Pepper . . maybe a little bit . . but what I really want is to get Michael out of the house for a little bit so I can check his text message . . and thank god he left his phone on the coffee table . . . 

~ to be continued

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