Notes To Annie||05

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hey it's evewritesxx back here again writing :)

Dear Annie (aka my big sister)

Your the one I use to look up too, now I look up father then you, I look to the sky to Caleb,
to where I will be soon

Hey it's me Hayley, probably don't remember me your little sister nah never mind your too busy caught up in fame and Hayden Summerall right? Don't feel bad, everyone else is like that too.

Your coming home today, and I felt like you wouldn't want to say goodbye your last words to me would probably be "Hayley leave my makeup brushes alone!" and then you would proceed to call mom and her last words would be something on the lines of leaving you alone and finding something better to do.

I don't want that to be the last thing I hear from you. So I decided to cherish that last hug we shared and the last I love you we shared when you flew back to California 3 months ago.
I'm writing you this note to tell you:

You don't need me being the baggage of the family. The one holding you back from LA. The one holding you back from true fame.

You don't need me to be your embarrassing little sister who gets a little to excited or a little clumsy and messing something up.

You don't need me, your doing fine on your on in LA

I'm not leaving you alone, you don't need me.
I'm joining Caleb in the sky's, flying high in heaven and no he doesn't need me, I need him.

ps. my fav colors yellow i hope the color that you recognize as my heart doesn't get changed into a hannie symbol like Caleb's did. 💛💜

Hayley's POV-

I finish my note to Annie and sigh pushing the letter into a envelope and selling it with a yellow heart and a kiss.

I hope Annie knows I love her.

I get up and walk to my soon to be fate.

See you soon Caleb.



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