What can you say about therapy...||25

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Hey guys it's goofgirlfanfics

On with the book


Hayley's POV

What can I say about therapy...

Therapy is just a way of telling you

"Oh your messed up let's fix you"

But there is positive things about it...

Because I am trying to think positive from here on out

It has actually helped people

So maybe it could help me...

I can just see Caleb being so disappointed in me

I tried to kill myself getting away from this world

And well what can I say....

His saying is to celebrate life and I'm trying....

I wanna rebuild myself and I don't know

Maybe succeed

It's weird...

You never would think a little girl..

A 9 year old...

Would think those ways..

Because ya know there isn't a lot of drama at 9 years old

At least for a normal person.....

When you have 4 million people watching you

It's a lot of pressure

When you have everyone commenting

"Oh my god Hayley your such a camera hog"

"Hayley stop stealing Annie's light!"

It's stupid...

But well what can I say it's


No one is perfect.....

Because it's pretty obvious I'm far from perfect..

But maybe with therapy I can get closer to it...


If you guys need anything we are here:)

Stay tuned!!


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