Bright Lights||15

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yo it's evewritesxx back here writing

Third Person POV-

Hayley's awake.
Hayley's awake.
Hayley's Awake

No matter what way you write it or type it perhaps it's still a miracle, a blessing. Hayley has been awake for a while, she has heard the rustling coming from doctors treating her wrist and giving her blood. She just didn't open her eyes.

She couldn't open her eyes, it's like embarrassment,fear, and guilt sealed them down like glue against her eyelids. She was awake, she just didn't want to wake up. And when she opened her eyes, she was surrounded by whiteness and bright lights. The room was clean and pure and she felt like her being their was impure.

Both her wrist were firmly wrapped almost as if doctors did this to not let her see the damage she did to herself which was most likely true, she didn't want to see her wrists. It just shows she's weak, it shows she took the easy way out, that she failed.

Marks on your wrists are suppose to mean you are strong not that you are weak, the marks on your wrists are suppose to show that you survived the darkest time in your life but only for you to truly survive and have battle wounds is when you overcome it, when you get ride of those thoughts, so mine? mine are just wounds.

Hayley wrote this on the napkin when she wished for her diary but that has spirals with wires, they are sharp she can't be by anything sharp.

If you ever need someone to talk to or rant to or just talk about silly stupid stuff to get your mind off things I'm here <3

lots of love
-Eve xoxo

Hayley Leblancs Diary-&gt;a bratayley fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now