Lies~ A Taylor Caniff Love Story

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My name is Brianna. I'm 17 years old. I'm turning 18 in 2 weeks. There is like 3 months left of school, then we're off to college. This sucks because then I have to leave my friends, Jessica, Peyton, and Myah. Their like my best friends and my sisters ever since I moved here to Indiana. I used to live in California and I'm going back for college. We moved to Indiana when I was 9. When i was 10 my mom was pregnant. My brother Nick is 8 and he's in like 3rd grade I think. Lmao I'm an awful sister. But anyways back to my friends. They're all dating guys. Their boyfriends are all good guys and all but Jessica, Peyton, and Myah are kinda clingy towards them. I'm single so I'm kinda a third or like 7th wheel towards them. But i like this guy like a lot. His name is Taylor, Taylor Caniff. Me and him are close i guess you could say and he's in my science and history class. we're science partners which is GREAT. I blush A LOT around him, when he talks to me, when he flirts, and when he's just being goofy or an idiot towards me. One time in history he was staring at me and I caught him and he winked and I gave him the flirty fingers back. His piece of crap girlfriend, Hanna, saw me and tried to beat me up after school. But I beat her up. Lmao. Taylor got mad at her but they made up. Crap. But I don't care what she thinks or has to say because I just don't. Her opinion don't matter! But let's get to the drama crap and stuff...

Brianna's POV:

Today when I went to school I saw Taylor and Hanna fighting. "Babe I didn't do anything!" Hanna shouted. "Uh yea Hanna you did. You kissed Sam, one of my closest friends! How did u not do something!?" "Babe I-" Taylor cut her off and said "We're done." Hanna covered her mouth and shook her head "Taylor please!" Taylor walked off. Hanna went inside. "Wow." I said silently to myself and continued with the day. Taylor came up behind me while I was walking to my class an held my hand. "Taylor, what are you doing?" "Breathing." I let go. "I know you and Hanna broke up. You need some time to yourself Taylor, okay?" He nodded and walk off.

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