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1st Pov. Louisa

I sat up slowly, my mind clouded over last night. I glanced to my side, empty, hollow. I sighed and shook my head feeling like a dream took place.

'Remember your going to go with Bella and Edward.' A sticky note said, that was hung on my door.

I smirked to myself, and grabbed my phone. It vibrated in my hand and I clicked it open.

'Cam you come to the res.? My father would like to see you.' - Jacob

I scrunched my eyebrows and quickly changed.

My blue jacket clung to my side as the dew hit me from the morning rain. I smile to myself and climbed into Bella's truck.


"Jacob!" I yelled as I slammed the truck door closed. I stepped over puddles as I walked up to the home.

"Billy?" I yelled lightly at the door and knocked on it. It opened slowly to reveal Billy.

"Hey, what did you need me for?" I asked going straight into the matter. He rolled back and let me pass through the kitchen.

"You know of the Cullens, yes?" He asked as he moved up to her.

"Yes." I replied simply, staring down at a photo of Jacob.

"Then, you understand what I told you?" He asked, and I slowly sat down next to him.

"I believe in them being the cold ones, but I don't believe im form a long line of hunters." I said, and he shook his head.

"That is why you must train. If not right now, let me show you." He said, and rolled out to a ramp.

He stopped at the edge of the ramp outsdie and I took a few steps out.

"Sam, will demonstrate just two for you." Billy said, and a man walked up to me. His dark hair, tan skin, a large tattoo on his left shoulder.


I squatted, not quick enough, I fell back from his punch. I glanced back at Billy and reluctantly stood.


I squatted down quickly, and my body kicked my left leg out to trip him. Sam fell back and stood quickly.


I held my forearms up but he hit me down. I stood again an he began punching.

My arms blocked his hand and I punched his face and shoved my hand against is chest. He flew back, and I stood in shock.

My muddy jeans and jacket, showed greatly as I slipped my shoes off before I walked upstairs.

Bella sat on my bed, a dusty leather book in her hand.

"Why are you in here? Why do you have that?" I asked and snatched the book from her hands. She quickly stood and watched as I put the book away.

"What is that?" She asked, and I glared back at her. I dug through my dresser and grabbed a shirt and a pair of jeans.

"Nothing. Now get out." I said, and waited for her to move to tie door.

"If I would of asked would you of told me?" She asked, as she stepped into the hallway and I grabbed my door.

"No." I slammed the door in her face. I rolled my eyes and quickly changed.

I trudged down the stairs and grabbed my clean boots.

"Are you going with Bella?" I paused and nodded.

"Yep. I am. I'm driving the truck." I said quickly and grabbed my green jacket.

"Well you can't. Something is wrong with the engine. Its being looked at, just ride with her and her friend." Charlie said, and walked upstairs. I groaned loudly and stepped outside.

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