Chapter 22

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*Violets POV*

I couldn't think. I couldn't function. Some how the ghosts that had turned, had made a plan behind out back. So there I sat on one of the steps of the basement stairs, as I watched the innocent family get tied up.

"Tate, you don't have to do this!" I weeped as he and Hayden waited for the clock to turn 12:00-starting Halloween.

"Shut up, you bitch." Hayden groaned, as Park and I exchanged anxious looks. It's going to be okay. I mouthed, but Hayden quickly caught on. "Awe, you think queen bee can save you? Well, sorry to rain on your parade but she is one of us, now." Hayden mocked to Park.

"Fuck you." Park screeched as he squirmed around through his chair.

"Oh, I wouldn't try that, loverboy. I'm pretty good at handcuffs." She seductively laughed.

"Please, why are you doing this?" Janice pleaded, as she struggled to unlock the handcuffs.

"You guys don't get it do you?" She laughed. "I've been stuck in this shithole for years. It's not fucking fair! You deserve to feel the pain I feel...for eternity!" She yelled as The Brooks winced at her vicious words.

I looked over across the basement, I suddenly saw a figure move through the darkness. Re-focusing, I noticed it was my parents.

They were making a plan. Oh god, please make this one work for once. I thought as time quickly past.

They caught my eye contact, and pointed to Tate. Guess I was going to be the distraction of the plan.

I walked over to Tate, trying to come up with a way to change his mind "We don't have to do this, if we let them go, then you won't have to see them again." I reminded him, as my hands felt around his cheeks.

"Vi, why can't you trust me? It's going to be okay." He smiled, as he calmly pushed my hands off.

He almost he was being controlled. His eye contact was blank, stiff movements, obeying Hayden's orders...something wasn't right.

"This isn't you, Tate. Hayden fucked you up." I whispered, trying to avoid Hayden's sharp ears.

He glanced back at me, "Oh, but it is." He grinned.

Shit. "I'll be right back." I smiled, as I dashed up to the first floor, heading towards the least likely person to ask for help. Chad.


"Chad?" I called out, as I strolled through the living room. Suddenly, he appeared.

"What?" He asked, as he rolled his eyes while looking down at his nails.

"What do you mean what? You know what's going on. What the fuck did you do to Tate?" I argued, as rage started to infuse my every bone.

"Woah, there, darling. I didn't do anything to your man. I wasn't even on the plan." He informed, unamused.

"What plan?" I asked, searching for answers.


"No shit." I rolled my eyes. "What is she even doing?"

"You're not going to like it..." He mumbled, not daring to look me in the eye.


"She has some of the ghosts under...well I don't know how else to call it...spell, but this isn't some hocus pocus this is demonic. She is manipulating their minds. She has the other ghosts under control, and soon we might be as well."

"Why are they waiting until midnight?" I gasped.

"They are doing a ritual."

"Fuck." I yelled, as I anxiously ran my fingers through my hair.

"Want to guess who's getting the stake?"

"The Brooks?" I asked, hoping I wouldn't hear the three letters I was bound to hear.

"Yes." He noted.



Hey guys(:

(I'm sorry in advance for the short chapter. I've been super busy with school, but don't worry! I will still continue to update weekly💘)

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You guys are literally the best.
So I hope you like the story.💕
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