Chapter 9

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Jade's Mom's eye color turns pink when she's mad

Jade POV:

I woke up in Chase's bed and found him sleeping on the couch. He woke up and looked at me, "Morning Sweetheart"


"You sleep well" he asked and ran a hand through his hair

"Yeah, you know you could've slept on the bed. The couch must've been uncomfortable"

"Don't worry it's fine, by the way you're welcome here anytime"


"Anytime, you hungry"

"Um I should really get back home. Thank you for letting me stay here for the night" he stood up and went in the kitchen and said, "Yeah" I looked at him and smiled, I went behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist he sighed and placed his hands on mine I placed my head on his shoulder and said, "Hey I'll see you around ok" he looked at me then turned in my arms and placed his hands on my hips, "Wish I could keep you here"

"I know but you know the rules"

He growled and pulled me closer and nipped my ear, "The rules are we can't be seen or near each other" I bit my lip, smirked and raised a brow "Yeah and what's the main rule" he looked at me and licked his lips, "The main rule is that we can't date each other" he said huskily

"I pressed myself closer to him and smirked, "Well we'll just have to keep it a secret and hope that no one finds out" Chase chuckled and looked back down to me, "Wait I should be asking you that question"

"Which is" I asked

Chase growled and rolled his eyes but he asked me anyways, "Jade I know we've only known each other for 3 days now and I know we should take it slow but will you be my girlfriend"

"You're answer is yes" he smirked, "Good cause the further we go into this relationship eventually or sooner I'm going to make you mine. The rules can kiss my ass for all I care" he leaned down and kissed me it was a rough and demanding kiss. I pulled away breathing heavily, "Ok I should really get going"

"Alright I'll see you later" I left Chases place and went back home. It was really bright out when I came outside but the sun felt nice on my skin and no I don't burn or explode when I'm in the sun. I got home and quietly went to my room I opened the door and saw my sister sitting on my bed, "Hey Sis" she said and turned towards me.

"Kelsey! Hey, what's up"

"What's that smell? Why do you smell like a wolf?"

"Kelsey wait shh please" I shut the door and locked it then I locked the doors to my balcony door and my windows I also pulled the down the blinds then I sat down on the bed with Kelsey, "Ok look please you need to promise me that you cannot tell anybody please I am begging you"

"You're seeing a werewolf Jade, you know the rules"

"Let me guess you probably knew this was gonna happen"

"No I did not" I looked at her and raised a brow

"Alright fine yes I knew" 


"I smelt him when he came by the house and the scent was strong when I came to your room and then I saw you leaving and then I saw everything else happen and this guy looks like he'll make you happy"

"Oh god, just please don't tell anyone"

"Jade I won't your secret is safe with me but enough about that tell me all about him" I rolled my eye but told Kelsey all about Chase. She left my room after our talk and I went to sleep.

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