Chapter 15

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Pic of Jade and Kelsey's cousin Cameron Nobles

Jade POV:

I got home and I sneaked back into my room through the balcony. I went in my room and heard a knock on my door, "Jade" I grabbed a perfume bottle and sprayed some on me covering Chase's scent then I grabbed one of my hoodies and threw it on. I opened the door and was greeted by my mom's face, "Oh what do you want"

"Where were during the weekend? You were gone and didn't tell us where you were going"

"Ok first off don't act like you care all of a sudden cause I know you don't and two I don't need to tell you where I go I make those decisions on my own and I don't need your permission"

She hissed but put on a serious face and said, "Well won't you join us for dinner, your grandparent's, you're Aunts, Uncles and Cousin's are all here for dinner"

"I'll be there in a minute" she left and I bolted to Kelsey's room and knocked on her door, "Kelsey it's me Jade open up please" Kelsey opened the door and looked around then pulled me in the room, "So how was your weekend"

"It was amazing but I have something to tell you" Kelsey nodded and made sure Mom wasn't outside the door clearly she was trying to listen to our conversation so with a flick of my hand I sound proofed Kelsey's room since my powers are stronger than my Mom's. Kelsey looked at me and we said the same thing, "Mom's outside" we laughed and I put on a serious face, "Kelsey I need to tell you something that happened with me and Chase, you need to promise me that you won't tell anyone"

"What did you two do? I won't tell anyone plus I'm not under Mom's control and you should know that"

"Yeah I do" I inhaled a really deep breath and slowly exhaled then I pulled my hoodie down just a little so that the mark showed Kelsey gasped and covered her mouth, "Jade is that a mark"


"You guys..."

"I know but the deed been done, the wolves knew about it and Chase and the Alpha fought so that Chase could prove to the Alpha his trust"

Kelsey looked at me and said, "Your secrets safe with me" I nodded then we walked out of the room and went downstairs. Kelsey went down first then stopped and came back up pushing me back up the stairs, "What is the matter with you"

"Cameron is here"

"Our cousin Cameron?" I asked

"Yeah. I know we're family it's gross when he tries to hit on us" she said with disgust

"Yeah I know but we're older now and we can handle this"

"You know he's going to recognize that and maybe say something"

"You know what though let them find out I'm already with  Chase and I'm already a part of the pack. You're either with me or against me sis" she had a debate with herself for a minute then looked at me, "I'm with you" I nodded then we went downstairs. Cameron saw us and smirked, "Well if it isn't my two favorite cousins" he said with open arms I rolled my eyes and said, "Hi Cameron" we greeted our other family members and I saw Chase outside. We ate dinner and we were all talking I looked outside then I looked at Kelsey for help she nodded her head and cleared her throat, "Hey we're all done with our dinner anybody want any dessert" everyone nodded then she looked at me, "Sis you wanna help"

"Why not. We'll be back" we went in the kitchen and I told her, "I'm going to go outside real quick" she looked over my shoulder and whispered, "Is Chase outside" I bit my lip and nodded, "Well then go out there" she pushed me out the door and I ran over to Chase, he saw me and opened his arms, I ran into his arms and he spun me around chuckling, "Hey Beautiful"

"Hi Babe" We heard something and Chase pushed me behind me, "Who's there"

We heard clapping and chuckling, "Well, well, well, what is this? My cousin is dating a werewolf don't act like perfume was gonna hide his scent cause it didn't also I know you have his mark on you and you know what this means war" He called and he the whole family came out my Mom's eye color changed and she hissed at me, "You betrayed this family, you're seeing a wolf the enemy"

I hissed back, "So what kick me out, band me from the family but..." I stepped closer to the family and said, "You will not start a war with my boyfriend's family and they're my family too" Kelsey walked outside with a lot of bags and boxes the boys helped her and grabbed a few. My mom looked at me and asked, "What is that"

"Kelsey is coming with me cause she's the only one who isn't against me" After arguing with the family with a lot of growls and hissing we left and went back to the Cave.

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