Chapter 14

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Chase POV:

Jade's going back home today but I'm positive that she'll be ok. My girl is headstrong and from the looks of things I don't think she'll back down from a fight. She and I woke up at the same time, "Hey Babe"

"Hey Beautiful"

"Oh we're changing nicknames now"

"Yes" I pulled her closer and playfully nuzzled her neck, she giggled and pushed my head away, "Alright wolfy boy I need to pack and get ready to go home"

"What no stay a little longer" I wrapped my arms around her and playfully nipped her ear she squealed and I fell back with my front pressed against her back she laughed, "Chase I really need to pack"

I growled, "Alright. but you come back to me"

"I will don't worry" she straddled my waist and leaned down and kissed me she got off of me then started packing her bag. I went into the kitchen and made us some breakfast. She came out of the room and put her bag on the couch, "Hungry"

"Yeah" I walked up to her and bit my lip, "Well I know what I'm hungry for and I could eat you all day" I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck, she laughed and placed her hands on my chest, "Babe I need to eat and I need to go" I growled and let her go, we ate breakfast and I couldn't keep my hands off of her I wanted her to stay with me where she is safe. We finished eating breakfast, she went to the living room and grabbed her bags. We walked outside and I wrapped my arms around her one more time, "I'm going to miss you" she chuckled and wrapped her arms around, "My Big bad wolf is going to miss me you know you can come over when my parents aren't home"

"I know I've done twice before but I don't think I want your house or room to smell like me. Also I'll keep an eye for tonight also I'll see you tomorrow night. Same spot that we first met and wear a swimsuit" I growled in her ear I released her and slapped her butt before she left. I watched as she went home then I went inside. I started changing and getting ready for tonight, I'm not just keeping an eye on Jade I'm spying on the family as well. I know the Mom's hiding a secret from Jade and I'm going to find out. I forgot to mention my abilities my super abilities are super human speed, stamina, strength, agility, reflexes, acute senses and durability my other abilities are heightened senses, lie detector, longevity, accelerated healing and empathy. We all have the same super abilities. The Alpha has every single ability and he can heal the other wolves with his healing abilities. Before I went to Jade's I went back to the pack and took a few wolves to help me keep an eye on the Vampire. I got to Jade's mansion and we started our mission.

I fell in love with a werewolf?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora