Chapter 16 - Revelations

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A/N - I apologize for the long wait. This chapter was very hard for me to write, so I hope it's ok. I realize that some of the situations may seem unrealistic, but bear with me please. I had a death in the family and have had some trouble concentrating, so... with that said. I hope you enjoy the latest chapter.  Thanks for all your support, votes and comments. You are great!


Nathan and I are sitting in the gym waiting for class to begin. There is a commotion on the girls side. A tall girl with short brown hair comes running out of the locker room and heads right toward the girl's gym coach. Since we are supposed to be watching for suspicious activity - we are on an assignment at the fucking school after all - I nudge Nathan and we start moving closer.

Lucky for us, the coach is standing under one of the basketball hoops and Nathan and I can get really close to the two women. We are able to hear what is being said and listen very carefully to try to decypher what the hell is going on.

".....lying on the floor. There is so much blood." I hear the girl say.

"Slow down Karen, who is lying on the ground? Do you know what happened? Were you able to see if where she is injured?" The girls coach is talking as she starts to head toward the locker room.

What the fuck? This is exactly the type of thing we are supposed to be watching out for. Too many students are getting hurt in this school, so I grab Nathan by the arm and we start to follow. If someone is truly hurt we need to find out what happened. Part of the assignment at Ashley Waters, is security. We are supposed to try to come up with ways to cut down on violence and put security measures in place to enforce those measures. We can't fix anything if we don't know what is wrong.

Some of the other girls in the class start to head toward the locker rooms too. Fucking vultures, they just want to get some juicy gossip. One thing I hate about girls is the way they love to gossip and tear each other down. If gossiping were an Olympic sport, all girl teams would win every time.

Nathan and I nudge our way through the crowd and into the locker room. We can't let ourselves get lost in the crowd, we have a job to do. As we enter the locker room we notice that all the students are gathering near the bathroom. We can hear the gym teacher asking the girl who discovered the victim some additional questions. We can only see the girl's feet from our vantage point. The advantage of height is that we can see over the heads of the girls and into the bathroom, without having to be directly in the doorway.

I see Nathan pull out his phone and send a text. I assume he is texting Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Green. We should let them know about the incident, just to keep them in the loop.

"Sang, where are you hurt?" Miss French asks.

Wait, back the fuck up. Dd she just say Sang? I can't have had heard that correctly, right? I turn my head and look at Nathan who has a look of absolute shock on his face. Oh my God, Trouble is in trouble again!

Nathan and I stare at each other for a moment, but then quickly push our way to the front of the group of students. At first we were going to just stand back and listen in on the conversations around us, to try to gather any information that the students might know. Sometimes, the perpetrators of these attacks will slink back into the crowd to brag about the results, or listen in on what is being said. We often find out valuable information by blending into the crowd, listening and sometimes asking pointed questions. However, after hearing that the victim is our little Sang, all bets were off.

Nathan and I both burst into the girl's bathroom - at this point, we really could care less that we are in the girls room - and drop to our knees at Sang's left hand side. Miss French looks up and raises her eyebrows at us, but doesn't say anything. She returns her attention to Sang and asks her question again.

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