Chapter 10

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When they arrive at the destination they went in. Mikoto was slightly dizzy but she pushed it aside. When they arrive they read the warning that says o violence and don't say the word hot. When they entered they saw a school boy that wore the same uniform Kurama wore.

"Oh my, I did not expect Shuichi Minamino to be actual Kurama and Mikoto Uchiha the Black Jewel Prince to be The Red Eyed Habanero..." Kaito smirked, Mikoto glared angrily

"Where is Yusuke, four eyes. And you better tell me" Mikoto growled as she walked closer.

"Not telling until you get pass me" Kaito said

Hiei then unsheated his sword and tried to slice the cocky human in half but a force field appeared and his katana was snapped in half

"No violence here" Kaito grinned

"I don't expect there is after all it was written as a warning, however I have other benefits. And I'll use it to my advantage" Mikoto said coldly as her Eternal Magenkyo spun to life. She dragged Kaito in her Tsukiyomi World.

"Tell me what I need to know or I'll kill you. You're inside my world now" Mikoto smirked and brought forth a black scythe. She then charged and before she can hit him the jutsu was broken.

A lightning strike had hit Mikoto in the head. She then fell into the ground, unconscious. Kaito sighed, he almost died in there.

Time Skip

After Genkai finished explaining she went over to Mikoto's unconscious body. She used a healing technique when Genkai froze.

"No....This wasn't supposed to happen!" She cursed under her breath.

"What? What's wrong?" Yusuke asked

"Its her energy. Her chakara is fighting off the demonic energy that tried to give her supernatural powers but her chakara is refusing to let it and is fighting the demonic energy. Koenma had told me that we can't open any dimension portal to their world for help because the unbalanced energy in the air is blocking it. Mikoto is strong but her body can't take the strain for too long. We have only have 2 weeks maybe 3 if we're lucky but that's enough. If we don't take down the one who is responsible for this, Mikoto will be turned into a hanyou if her chakara fused with the demonic energy or worse....she will die in the process" Genkai said

They flinched when Mikoto released an ear splitting scream as tears leak from her eyes as she cried on in pain. Black feather tattoo spread in half of her body.

"Why aren't we doing anything?!?!" Yusuke yelled

"Don't touch her. If you do it will spread the process" Genkai said sternly

Then watched as Mikoto opened her eyes, its filled with pain as she weave her trembling hands into a cross handsign.

"S-Shadow C-C-Clon-ne...J-jutsu!" She cried out and in a puff of smoke a solid clone appeared.

Mikoto frowned and grabbed a kunai and cut the original's palm to draw blood the clone pressed her thumb on the blood and backed away before weaving into hand signs and slammed her palm into the floor

"Summoning Jutsu!" the clone yelled and in a puff of smoke a black scroll with Uzumaki swirl on it.

The clone smeared some blood in the symbol, it glowed before it opened, revealing a 10 by 10 ft mat with a yin yang Uzumaki symbol in the center. The clone grabbed the bleeding palm of the original and poured some into an ink bottle. The clone hurriedly went to the center and created three more clones.

"Let's go" the clones said and they all began the ritual and each placed their brush in the center.


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