Chapter 14

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"Sasuke no" Itachi said. Sasuke's hand was in his Kusanagi once again.

They went home after his daughter left with the red head. And when he saw them in that position, his fatherly side kicked in. Sasuke sighed as he left. 'That red head should think twice on hurting my daughter and I'll have his head' Sasuke muttered darkly.

Morning came and Mikoto and Kurama had parted way. The Crow Sanin was blushing as she went to her room for a shower and changes her clothes. A dark blue summer dress with a black belt. She let her hair down as she exits her room and went to the back yard before she left a clone to cook breakfast. Mikoto walked in the water, barefooted. Since the pond is like a mini lake that is 4 foot deep with crystals and diamonds as stone and has koi fishes in it.

Mikoto turned to her other clone as it start playing 'Kiss the Rain' Mikoto closed her eyes and relaxed. She slowly dance with the song as she dance in the water in a flowing manner until some streams of water dance around her like fireflies teaching her to dance. It was beautiful and the koi fishes swam into the water and followed a tunnel like tube of water.

Unknown to her she was being watched by her family and Kurama's. Mikoto got lost into the music and she did not know the water starts rising and formed flatforms for her to step on. She dances with the flow of the water until the music came to an end. She just stood there in the water, in midair. Slowly the water start descending and she along with it until she just stood there in the water as she opened her eyes and let out an 'eep' at their staring until Sarada clapped her hands and soon they followed. Mikoto blushed in embarrassment at being caught.

"That was amazing, nee chan!" Sarada grinned


Time Skip

Mikoto sat on top of the 5th's head. She smiled as she stared at Konoha and the people in it. She then felt a presence and a scent of rose entered her nose. She smiled and did not glance for she already know who it was.

"I thought I'd find you here" Kurama said as he sat next to Mikoto

"It's beautiful, isn't it? It's really peaceful" Mikoto said

"It may be beautiful but you are stunning" Kurama smiled

"W-What? S-stop saying things like that! God!" Mikoto stuttered as she looked away

"It's true. Look Mikoto...I like you, no I really love you. I may hate you lateness and your mean punch but I love everything about you. Your smile, you laugh, your will to protect others, a-" Kurama was cut off by a soft pair of lips

"I love you too. Knowing you, you won't stop rambling so I figured a way to shut you up"

"I could get use to this"

They both shared a passionate kiss. Both oblivious to the paparazzi that were taking pictures. Well, obliviousness is bliss.

A day after that it was all over the news. Mikoto mentally cursed about that when Sasuke threatened Kurama.

"I don't care who you are but if you hurt my daughter I'll kill you" Sasuke glared with his Magenkyo activate

"FATHER!!! Stop it! I am 23 years old! Not 16!" Mikoto growled and activated her yellow Magenkyo.

"Oh don't sweat it little brother. She'll be fine" Itachi sighed

"I don't plan on hurting her, Sasuke san" Kurama smiled and entwine his fingers with the bushing Mikoto.

4 months after that were filled with snooping reporters and news writers. Mikoto is getting sick of it. She guessed it was karma when she laughed at Itachi when he dealt with his.

Mikoto cursed the paperwork she had to deal with them out of nowhere she felt a sudden tug in her stomach and something pushed her back. She fell into the ground. When she opened her eyes she was confused when she was a night sky. She looked around and she found herself in her ninja clothes but with her wings. She was confused. Then in the sky she say a small rock falling, heading to the freezing river. Mikoto frowned when she used her Sharingan. The demonic energy is familiar....wait that's Hiei's signature! Mikoto flew up and caught the bundle in her arms before she landed in the tree branch. She looked at the familiar red eyes that stared at her. She looked around.

"Where am i? In Makai? But--....Mikoto then avoided the flying blades heading towards her. She hugged the bundle in her arms as she swiftly avoided the blades.

She glared at the owner who had a long black hair in a high ponytail wearing a witch hat, a pair of bat wings and purple and black clothes; she almost gagged when his scent hit her nose: woman, sex, and alcohol. Her golden Matured Sharingan glared at him.

"What do you want, bat?!" Mikoto snarled.

"Well lookie here, Youko. A Crow with claws in our territory. She's a looker too" the demon smirked as he twirled his red pendant necklace.

"Youko?" Mikoto whispered.

She then eyed the demon in front of her....'Red gem pendant necklace and a bat demon....wait...Kuronue! He mentioned Youko and this infant...I'M IN THE PAST!!!' Mikoto screamed in her mind. She then leap backwards and landed in the water to avoid being cut down by Youko's trademark rose whip.

To say they were shock when she landed in the water with glowing feet. Mikoto remembered in Kurama's stories that Youko is a jerk and a womanizer

"Look I did not mean to trespass. I just save this infant from a certain death. I mean no harm so just let me go and forget this happen" Mikoto said

"No. You trespassed our territory. You won't escape alive" Youko said and eyed the diamond in her forehead.

"Eyes off the Seal, furball. And I wasn't asking. I am giving a warning!" Mikoto yelled and created a crow clone and handed the infant to her.

"Go. Find a way out of here" Mikoto ordered.

"Right" the clone nodded and leap into the tree.

"After her" Youko ordered his troops.

"Alright let's dance" Mikoto smirked and activated her Magenkyo and charged forward

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