Chapter 1

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Tré's P.O.V

Great. First lesson is Geography with that old witch we call Mrs. Baltimore. I walked up to Mike who was waiting outside our tutor room as usual. "Hey Mike" "Hey Tré. Looking forward to the first lesson?" He sniggered. Fucking dickhead. "Obviously not. You have those dickheads Jason White and Jason Freese in there oh and not to mention the wicked witch of the west itself Mrs. Baltimore". I watched him as he laughed. "Fair enough". We both walked in as soon as the bell went and sat in our allocated seats. The long 15 minutes being slowly dragged on. "I just realised Tré. We both have Geography for the first two lessons AND we have an after school detention with her" Mike whispered to me. "Oh shit yeah. So we have 3 hours in total with her?" "Yes. Well done Tré you can do maths". I'm dreading today. 3 fucking hours. Oh great. Tutor time was slowly over and me and Mike walked over to our Geography class. We walked inside. There was no teacher. Is she actually late to the lesson? Oh my God. I never thought she would be. Soon enough all the students came piling. Confusion showing on their faces. So I'm not the only one. We were all talking for about ten minutes. "Mike do you know where Mrs. Baltimore is?" "No". Great. Falling behind on Geography and the teacher can't even be assed to turn up to a fucking lesson. I heard the door swing open and hit the wall. "Alright you little fuckers pipe down!" I heard a man shout. I looked over to the direction. There was a quite small man with piercing green eyes, fluffy jet black hair. He was wearing a short sleeved black shirt with part of the sleeves rolled up and a red tie to go with it along with black skinny jeans. I looked down at his shoes. Black canvas shoes. Is this dude a goth or some shit. "Yeah sir you're fifteen minutes late. Do all goths not give a fuck about what they do?" I stated making the class laugh. He walked over to my desk. "I am not goth, I'm punk. And do all imbeciles land themselves in an after school detention or just you?". To be honest I'm not quite sure if this is a dude or a girl. If its a dude then he's got quite a girlish figure. "Do all punk girls dress like dudes or just you? Hmm? Oh and sorry I've already got a detention with you after school today since the wicked witch of the west isn't in today" "I'm a guy and you must be.. Mike I'm guessing" "Well you guessed wrong. Who's the imbecile now? I'm Tré and thats Mike" I said, pointing to Mike next to me. "Alright well you've earned yourself break and lunch with me". I groaned. Great. But its only for today I have him. I'm hoping. I watched him as he walked back to the front. Fucking prick. The next two hours were a fucking drag. Getting told off every 5 minutes by Mr. Eyeliner over there just for talking to Mike. In the end I decided to try and listen but what he was teaching was too complicated for me. I sighed and packed away my things as everyone else rushed out. Mike walked off from me so yeah. Great. "You forgetting something Tré?" Whatever his name is said whilst putting his feet up on the desk and opened a comic. "Oh yeahhhh. Our little date. Tell me darling what surprise do you have planned?" I said sarcastically. "A fucking smack if you don't stop being a little shit" "Jesus. You like to traumatise kids by swearing at them 24/7?" "Basically yeah, Do you like to be a smartass 24/7?" "No. Its comes naturally to me, must be a gift". I smirked. We sat in silence for a few minutes until I spoke up. "You didn't tell me, or the class, your name" "Mr. Armstrong. And I did. If you payed attention you would've realised that" "Oh." I stared at Mr. Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong. Thats actually a nice name. Such a shame a prick has to ruin the name. "Tré. What work did you do during the lesson because I didn't see you write anything down" "Yeah about that. I got confused and I needed help but I was too embarrassed to ask in front of the class" "Oh alright". He walked over to me, grabbed a chair and sat in front of me. He was explaining again but I got so distracted from looking at him. Jesus. "Tré" "Huh yeah?" "Jesus you have some serious daydreaming problems kid" "Mhm hmm". The bell went off to indicate that break was over. "See you around Tré" "Nah you won't. I'll avoid you and if I see you I'll hide" I replied and started walking out the classroom. I heard him laugh. I walked to my next lesson and carried on with my day. I wonder if the after school detention will go quick or make me want to kill myself.

How was this then? I thought it was pretty good but yeah. Should I carry it on?

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