Chapter 3

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Tré's P.O.V

Work was boring as usual. But it wasn't busy tonight. The whore that we like to call 'Boss' wouldn't let us go. Prick. But it was eventually over and I started walking home. Mr. Armstrong was right, it is quite cold out. Its alright my house is not that far. Actually 20 minutes is far. I walked through my front door into the warmth. Thank fuck for that. "Hey mum I'm home" I called through the house as I walked to her in the front room. "Hey darling. How was your day? Obviously apart from your after school detention" "Alright. We had a supply for geography and I made rude remarks in his lesson so I had to spend break and lunch with him and I've got another after school tomorrow. It was alright though he helped me a bit on catching up with Geography. He let Mike go practically as soon as he walked through the door in the after school detention. Fucking unfair" "Language. And what about work?" "Same old usual. Boring and dead and not allowed to go early since there was no customers" "We should ought to speak to your boss about that actually" "No mum. Just leave it. I don't want to be in any more shit" "Frank! What have I said about swearing!?" "I'm 16 mum. Who cares". I saw her roll her eyes. "Yeah. 16 still isn't old enough for you know what" "Oh my god mum. I'm not going to. Like the only friend I have is Mike and I'm pretty sure he isn't gay" "Are you?" "I think I'm bisexual. I have a crush on Sara but I think I may have a crush on Billie". Did you just seriously say your teacher's name? You don't have a crush on him. Well, I hope not. "So was the supply teacher nice?" "No. Sort of. The first thing he said as he walked in was 'Alright you little fuckers pipe down' but me and him like. We kept saying rude remarks to each other but we never got offended its like say what you and your best mate does. Well if you guys don't do that are they even your best mate?" "He sounds nice. Sort of. I'm guessing you get along with his better than Mrs. Baltimore?" "Oh yeah definitely. I get along with anyone better than her Jesus" "Alright. Go get something to eat" "Okay. Do we have any Kit-Kats?" "Yeah". I ran to the fridge. I love Kit-Kats. I basically took the whole pack and walked back into the front room. "Tré! They're not just yours" "Sorry can't hear you I'm concentrating on all these Kit-Kats". I love Kit-Kats. There was a loud knock at the door. "You going to get that tré?" "Fuck sake I was eating" I mumbled and walked to the front door. I swung it open and it was Mr. Armstrong. He didn't recognise it was me since he was looking behind him. "Hey uh my car broke down and I was wond-" he stopped as he turned around and looked at me. "Oh Tré! Hey I didn't realise you lived here. Anyways yeah my car broke down I was wondering if you could possibly have a look at it or some shit" "Yeah sure. Come in for a second" I replied and moved out the way to let him through. He took one step inside the house and stood awkwardly. "Dude there's no need for awkwardness. Go in and sit down alright? Talk to my mum. I've already told her how nice you are so yeah". He looked me in the eyes. Its seemed like something was on his mind and really bothering him. Oh I barely know the man what am I on about?

Mr. Armstrong's P.O.V

I reluctantly walked through to his front room. "And who's this handsome son of a gun?" A women spoke. Tré appeared in front of me. Scatty cunt. "Mum. This is Mr. Armstrong, the supply teacher who's first words were to the class 'Alright ya little fuckers pipe down'". I chuckled. I wasn't having the best of starts to the day but Tré did make it better. I always like a challenge. She stood up and held out her hand. "I'm Tré's mum. He's told me a lot about you". I shook her hand. "I'm Mr. Armstrong, you already knew that. But please. My name's Billie". She flashed me a smile. "Right. So I better go get started on your car. Stay in here. Have a chit chat with my mother or something". I looked over to Tré, he looks so tired. "Yeah alright. Cheers". I watched him as he walked out. "Come sit down. Your legs will eventually become tired". I awkwardly went and sat down. This is going to be a long night. "So. Billie's a nice name. Billie Armstrong" "Its actually Billie Joe Armstrong. But yeah it is a nice name" "Aw. That's sweet". I watched her as she moved closer to me. I feel really uncomfortable right now. "So you're a teacher?" "Yeah.." "What do you teach?" "Oh all kinds really. I'm a supply that's why" "Oh that's cool". She keeps rubbing my thigh slightly. Oh god. I feel sick. I've got to get out of here. "Okay um. Well I'm going out to see how Tré is doing with my car. It was lovely meeting you" I quickly said and ran out. I walked up to Tré. "Hey how's it going?" "Alright" He replied bluntly without looking at me. I sat down on the pavement and waited. "Okay. You should be good to go" He said, looking at me. I nodded my head. "You alright? You look like you've seen a ghost. Or are all 'punks' like that?" "No. Your mother kept flirting with me and.. Rubbing my thigh" "What, scared of a little flirting are we?" "Yeah kinda. I was the little nerd in school who didn't get girls and was afraid to talk to them. As I grew older I thought I was just like Dean Winchester, just a little less killing monsters" I chuckled. "Who?" "Oh no one. Well anyway thanks" "No problem. Drive carefully, its late" "Alright mum" "Haha. Well see you around Armstrong" "You too, Wright". We smiled and said our goodbyes. I'm hoping his teacher is ill again tomorrow.

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