chapter 20

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Tré's P.O.V

I'm getting ready for school at the moment. Well, trying to. My sister is hogging the bathroom and my mum is on my back about my geography course work and to top it off Mike is non stop messaging me. "SON YOU ARE SO GOING TO GEOGRAPHY REVISION TONIGHT YOUNG MAN" "YEAH WHATEVER MA, FOR FUCK SAKE LORIE GET OUT THE FUCKING BATHROOM!". Eventually she came out and I took a quick shower since I was already late for meeting Mike. Fuck sake my family are the worst.

I shoved my breakfast down my throat and then put on my snapback backwards to disguise my messy hair. "Don't forget geography revision tonight" my mother said sternly. "God ma yes I know fuck sake. Stay off my back. In going now" I growled and walked out, slamming the door behind me. As I walked round the corner I bumped into Mike. "Oh hey there sexy" I chuckled. "Alright there Tré" he chuckled as well. We both decided to walk to school, both of us having a fag in our mouths as we entered school grounds. You'll never have guessed who was on duty on the front gates, It was Armstrong. Great. "Mike! Tré! Get here now". Mike and I both glanced at each other and started pissing ourselves laughing as we walked up to Armstrong. "Yeah what's up Armstrong, got a problem?" I snarled. "Yeah. You two smoking. On school grounds! Both of you can have isolation with Mr. Milford" "God not him" Mike whined. Mike and I put out our fags and slowly but eventually made our way over to Milford's office. Swear this is child abuse. "Ah Tré, Mike. What can I do for you guys?" "We've been sent here for isolation by Armstrong" Mike mumbled. "Alright guys just sit down there". Mike and I did as we were told. His office is small. And stupid. And I just hate school and everyone to be honest. I looked over at Mike and he was completely lost into his phone. I just realised what a beautiful person his is. And he has a perfect jawline. Yes pretty cute I guess. "Tré?" "Huh Yeah?" "Why are you staring at me" Mike whispered. "Oh uh. No reason" I whispered back and felt myself starting to blush. "Why did you two get detention then?" Milford said, glaring at the both of us. "Uh. We were smoking on school premises" I spoke up. "God. The amount of trouble you two get in too" Milford replied, smirking at me. I smirked back. Not going to lie he's quite fit. But he also looks like a chipmunk. Armstrong showed up in the doorway. "You need something?" Milford asked him. "Uh yeah. Can I borrow Mike please?" "Yeah sure". I watched as they both walked out. "So looks like it's just me and you then Tré" "Yeah guess so". I waited around 10 minutes for Mike to cone back but he still hasn't. What is going on? I signed and just stared out the window. "There's some work sheets you could be doing you know" "Yeah I know but I'm not going to do them" "is your middle name stubborn or something" "mhm". Silence fell over the both of us. "Sir can I toilet please" "I don't see why not"

I opened the main door to the dull and boring toilets to be met with a surprise, but quite a nasty one. "The fuck guys!?" I shouted. One of them turned around and once they figured out who I was they quickly pulled up their trousers and did his belt up. "T-Tré I can explain!" Armstrong shouted. "Well go on then" I said sarcastically. "Uh. I'm well.. I dunno. I guess how to explain it" "Well why don't you start by saying YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME WITH MY FUCKING BEST MATE" I snarled. "N-no it wasn't like that at all" Mike piped up. I burst into tears and ran out of the toilets back to Milford' s office. "Tré are you okay?" Milford asked as he stood up and walked over to me. I hugged him and cried into his shoulder. This is not right. Forgot to say, Milford and I have a past. When me and Armstrong weren't together, Milford was always my go to so I could have someone to talk about my problems with and then one thing led to another. God. "Tré, tell me. What's up?" "A-Armstrong. H-he" I cried even harder, I wasn't able to finish my sentence. "What's he done now. I swear to god Tré. He's broke your heart way too many times kiddo" He whispered. There was a knock on the door so we both turned around. "What are you doing here. Don't you think you've done enough damage to him already" "Look Tré I-I'm really sorry" "Armstrong! No! You're not sorry because if you were you wouldn't have done it in the first place" I shouted. He gave me a sympathetic look and walked away. I watched as Milford walked towards the door and closed it. I ran up to him and gave him a long kiss. "O-okay" He said, nervously. I pushed him down onto his chair and got on his lap facing him.

Okay. Finally an update. Tell me what you guys think?

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