Chapter 19

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Tré's P.O.V

So I'm like really curious on what Armstrong has planned for me. I even been sent out of all my classes today because I wasn't concentrating. The bell is about to go and I'm buzzing. It might be something to do with Valentine's Day. It's only a couple of days away and I remember him saying that he's away for Valentine's Day. "Alright guys. That was the bell. Don't forget the assignment that is due in after half term. Enjoy your break while you can!" Mr. Way shouted to the class. I threw my book somewhere in the room since I'm too lazy to put it away and ran out with my bag. I walked up to Armstrong's car with a bounce to my steps and waited there. He didn't take long as he walked up to me and put his hands on my waist. "So Mysterious Man. What are you up too?" "Tré, as I said earlier. For me to know and you to figure out. So get your sexy ass in that car". I chuckled and did as he said whilst he got in as well. So I guess we're heading to mine.

I came out wearing black skinny jeans, a white button up shirt and a black tie. I got back in the car to see Armstrong giving me a weird look, but also with a little smirk. "What? It's the most formal outfit I have" "Yeah whatever. Let's go then" He replied and zoomed down the road. I really want to know where he's taking me. What if he's taking me somewhere to kill me? No I can't think like that. Well, it wouldn't surprise me. It's Billie we're on about. "Tré, you alright?" I heard him ask. "Y-Yeah. I'm fine. Where are you taking me?" "Tré, I'm not telling you" "Please. I hate surprises" "Well that's changing, we're nearly there anyway" He replied. I sighed.

We parked up outside a restaurant. "You've taken me to a restaurant?" I asked. Aw. He's so sweet. "No. There's a KFC round the corner. I'm taking you there" "You're joking, right?" "No". We both got out the car and walked into the restaurant. "So we are going here" I chuckled. "Yeah we are. I'm not that bad of a boyfriend to take you to a fast food place". I blushed at the fact that he labelled himself as my boyfriend. He checked us in and we sat down at a corner booth. "How come we're in the corner?" "Well, a lot of people come here for Valentine's Day so if they see us that's kind of bad since I'm a teacher and you're a student. And it's more privacy so I can do this" He said with a smirk as his foot travelled up my leg. "Oh.." I said, my face heating up. "C-can we just order and your leg to rest on the floor?" "Yeah sure honey. Anything for you" He chuckled.

We finished our meal and went outside. "So what now, Armstrong?" "Well, follow me Wright" "I told you not to use my real name" "Yeah yeah just follow". And so I did. We walked for about 5 minutes until we got to a park with a field. It looked like a party with no one, just me, Armstrong and.. Mike? "Mike? What are you doing here?" "Well Mike is here to help plan this. I asked him. I just wanted you to have a perfect night for Valentine's Day" Armstrong cut in. "Dude I would've been down with just chilling on your couch and watching Die Hard" "Yeah but it's our first Valentine's Day together, make it special". I ran up to Armstrong, jumped onto him and hugged him. I heard Mike chuckle. "Alright guys, I'm off. Have fun but not too much fun if you know what I mean" "Oh no Mike I'm definitely banging him tonight" I replied. He shook his head and walked off. "Armstrong this is so sweet". I watched as he looked down at his feet, his face red. I grabbed his tie and pulled him in quickly for a kiss.

After a while of laying around on the grass and pissing about he invited me round his place so of course I didn't reject the offer. "Still down for watching Die Hard?" He asked with his iconic smirk. "Well, I had other things in mind but yeah I guess I'm down with that" "Wait uh no. What was those other things?" I gave him a suggestive look and then he got it. "Well then, let's not waste any time"

Okay so this is shorter than my usual chapters but yeah. Sorry for never updating

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