Lose My Mind

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I feel something touching my skin. It went up my arm to my neck.

"You are divine. you are mine."

I woke up soaked in sweat and tears. Thank goodness it was all a dream I keep having these dreams. These voices In my head.

"I will be the first man to kiss you, to bed you weather you come willingly or not. You are mine."

The voice still echoing in my head. I have been going to a therapist to help me. I've been so depressed lately and had been getting hardly any sleep what's so ever. The dreams keep me awake for hours and I get too afraid to go back to sleep.

I have a quick shower and head out to the therapist. Dr Haley Downs, my therapist she has been giving me all sorts of medicine and it's only made them worse even when I close my eyes for a couple of seconds. I never know who or what the voice belongs to only he has a dark voice that echoes around my head day in and day out.

I open the door and sign in and sit in the sitting room. I started to shake I hated coming here but sometimes it helps, it helps talking about it I can't talk about it with my friends. Haley always listens to me even if I do sound crazy.

"Amelia!" I hear Haley call.

"Come in." she guested me to come in her room.

"So how have you been?" She sat at her desk.

"Has the medicine been working?" She asked.

"No actually, the dreams they have gotten worse..." I sighed looking to the ground. I couldn't focus on anything I didn't get much sleep last night. I had about 1 hour sleep.

I couldn't get myself to fall back to sleep what ever I did.

"I will give you some different medicine hopefully this one will be useful." she put on her glasses and wrote in my file.

"So what happened in the dream this time?" She lifted her head up putting down her pen.

"I felt something going up my arm and then it reached my neck. It must of been the man I keep hearing."

"What did he say?" She picked back up her pen.

"He said I was divine and that I was his?" I looked up at her she already started writing. She started flicking through my file.

"It says he said to you 'I will be the first man to kiss you, to bed you weather you come willingly or not. You are mine'." she quoted.

"Yes he had said it again last night..." I felt tears forming in my eyes.

I was so tired I needed to have a long nap. Like 100 years of sleep.

"Here this medicine might help." she wrote a prescription.

"Thank you." she got out of her chair and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry all of what I tried hasn't worked." she squeeze me tightly.

"It's fine I know you are doing your best to help me." I wiped my tears and she let go of me.

"See you at your next appointment" she smiled.

"See you then."

"I hope you get lots of rest!" she shouted before the door closed behind me. I ran to the pharmacy and grabbed the medicine.

"Amelia!" I heard a familiar voice shout.

It was Nathan. He has always been my best friend for years now and I had told him about the dreams. Nathan has been away he goes to different places with his band.

He has an amazing voice and we used to sing together. In school plays and even when we had spare time.

"Nathan." I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"How are you?" I smiled trying to hide the fact I haven't slept in weeks.

"I'm fine great actually now I bumped Into you." he smiled. I felt my cheeks burning and couldn't help but laugh.


"Really I have been meaning to talk to you but the band and all."

"What is it?"

"I want you to sing with me tonight." my cheeks were really burning now and I felt like being sick.

"So would you like to? It's okay if you don't want to, but please you have a beautiful voice and people need to hear it." he put his hands together begging me with his adorable puppy dog face.

"Okay, okay I'll do it." I sighed.

How could I say no?

"Yes" he smiled and hugged me, "tonight at 8."

"See you then." I gave him a good bye hug and headed back home.

I didn't know what to wear tonight. I mean I can't wear my normal clothes, leggings, a t-shirt and huddy. I search my wardrobe and found nothing. I sat down and sighed to be greeted by my two dogs Blue and Max.

"Hello boys." I smoothed both their heads, "I think I need to go buy something to wear." I got up and grabbed my bag.

I went to the mall a brought a nice blue dress that stopped before my knees. It didn't show my lumps and bumps it was perfect. I decided to wear tights and a jacket. To finish it of I wore a necklace my grandmother gave me before she died. It was a beautiful silver necklace with a blue diamond on it.

It didn't look as old as my Grandmother told me it was. I always kept it in my jewellery box she gave me when I was eleven. It had a girl in a dress that turned around with music inside it. On the top it said,

'My dearest Amelia xxx' she had doted the 'I' with a little heart. I closed the box and put it back on my dresser. Beside the picture of me, my Grandmother and my Grandfather.

I never met my Mother and Father they had died in a car crash when I was a baby. I really wanted to meet them I've heard so many great stories. I went down stairs and grabbed my car keys from the coffee table in my living room kissed Max and Blue good bye and headed to the restaurant Nathan said we will be performing in.

Lose My Mind (A Loki Fanific)Where stories live. Discover now