{Chapter 13}

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Loki and Thor told me to go back to get some help. I ran to find the best worriors I know. Sif, Volstagg, Hugan and Fandral.

I hope Fandral is okay I didn't mean to hurt his feelings.

We arrived back and ran towards the castle all of a sudden Sif, Volstagg, Fandral and Hugan disappeared.

"Sif, Volstagg, Hugan, Fandral?" I shouted.

I heard something and I started to run before I knew it something wrapped around my legs tripping me up. I tried to untie the rope it just wouldn't undo. Then the creatures from earlier were all around me.

"Hello" I smiled.

They took me to castle and pushed me into a cell.

"Amelia" I heard a familiar voice I looked up snd Jane was in there too.

"Jane" I was so happy to see her okay, "Wait where is Thor and Loki?"

"I haven't seen them I thought they were with you?"

I knew she had them I just knew it. Then two screams were heard. We both looked at eachother.

"Thor" she said tears slowly falling down her face.

"Loki" my heart fell. Tears were streaming down my face I coved my fsce with my hands only to be disturbed by the creatures opening the cell doors and dragging us out.

They took us into a room it was dark. The room from my dreams. As we walked closer we saw Loki and Thor tied to the ceiling. I closed my eyes as more tears streamed down my face.

"Nice of you to join us" said the creature from before. He walked past us and laughed. A creature came he had a dagger in his hand I closed my eyes I couldn't look.

"Stop please" jane begged.

They didn't listen they carried on. When we went the let us go. I ran over to Loki he was so pale paler then he already was.

"Loki" I lifted his chin. His eyes no longer sparkling. I pushed back some strands of his hair and kissed his colorless lips. He wispered something but I couldn't hear.

"Pardon?" I put my ear closer to his lips. All of a sudden Loki broke free of the chains that held him up. He grabbed me and we disappeared.

"Wait what about Thor and Jane?"

"They will be fine" he scoffed.

"Fine Loki did you see Thor he looked actually like you do now and Jane she is my friend I can't leave her there" he ignored me, "Loki!" I shouted.

"Don't shout at me" he growled.

"Please we have to save them" them Jane apeared in front of me "Jane? Is that you?" I said in disbelief. She was still crying. "Loki what about Thor?"

He ignored me and walked out.

"Jane don't worry I know Loki will save him. He wouldn't leave Thor there to die he loves his brother" I huged her. 

I knew Loki loves Thor and would never let him rot in chains. to be tourchered by a woman for some strange reason. why is she doing all this? who is she? I had to go back I don't care what Loki says.

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