{Chapter 8}

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When we arrived everyone look beautiful. The room it's self was beautiful. A golden table stood im the middle full of all different meats and breads. A big chandelier hung in the middle of the ceiling.

"Wow" Is all I can say then I relised Frigga wasn't standing next to me it was Loki.

"I can say the same about you" he looked me head to toe.

I decided to not slap him in the face but just ignore him he will go away.

"So where is Fandral?" He whispered "has he stood you up?" He laughed.

I couldn't resist I had to. I slapped his across the face.

"Oww" he said in pain holding his nose.

Then he grabbed my arm "what have I told you? don't do that again ever" he spat in my face. He let go of me and walked off.

Thank goodness he's gone.


"Fandral" I bowed.

"You look beautiful" he smiled.

"Thank you, you look very hansome" I blushed.

"Thank you" he laughed.

He took me out in the garden were people who wanted to get away from the dancing go. I saw Loki sat on a bench talking to a girl. I knew what he was doing trying to make me jealous.

Well he is mistaken I am not jealous I can't stand him.

It was awkward with Fandral for a while but then he started to talk about all the adventures he has had. I suddenly find myself looking into Fandral's blue eyes and slowly are lips are inches from eachother I look around quickly to see if Loki was watching. He was but he got up and with the girl and went though the garden.

"I'm sorry Fandral in can't do this" I ran inside. I run to my bedroom and sobbed into my pillow.

I missed Nathan so much.



"Amelia" it was Frigga.

"Come in" I said my head berried in my pillow.

I had saw Loki kissing the girls neck as I ran away. I don't know why I am crying about it. No I can't be in love with him I love Nathan.

"Are you okay?" She asked gently closing the door behind her.

"I wanna go home" I sobbed my face still in the pillow.

She sat next to me and played with my hair "my dear what's wrong? Was it Fandral?" She asked concern in her voice.

"No actually I just really miss Nathan."

"Who is this Nathan you speak of?" She asked.

"My friend well actually boyfriend. I miss him so much that I though kissing Fandral would make me forget about him but can't" I sobbed more and more.

"You want to go back to Midgard?"

"Yes more than anything" I sat up.

"Come I'll take you back" she wiped my tears and grabbed my hand.

We walked across the bridge and as we walked through the hall way Loki was still kissing the girl and looks up as we pass.

He pushes the girl away "leave me be" he stood up.

"But Loki.." she said but he intrupted her, "I said leave me be" he spat at her face making her flinch and run away.

When we go back to the room where I arrived with the man still standing im the same spot.

"My Queen" he bowed.

"Heimdall" she smiled.

"What can I do for you?" He asked.

"Amelia would like to go back to Midgard."

"As you wish" he bowed once more.

We said our good byes and she told me to look after myself and hoped one day we would meet again.

I hope so too.

She left. Leaving me with Heimdall.

"Amelia you going back to Midgard means putting Midgard in grave danger."

"What? How?"

"Amelia you are a star you have a heart of gold and powers people crave. Even the prince Loki" he explained.

"Me a star?" I say in disbelief.

"Many people are searching for you, people who desire to take over all of the nine realms and if you go back to Midgard it makes you vulnerable and you will be putting Midgard in danger but as you wish" he put he opened the bifrost.


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