{Chapter 15}

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I woke up and Loki was gone.

I guess it never made him change his mind.

I got dressed and walk through the hall and heard Loki. He was in a room talking to someone I peer around and it was some sort of creature. They were talking about me.

"Loki we need her in order to take over the nine realms. She has great power and we are running out of time Fulla's people will come for her."

"I know I know" Loki rolled his eyes, "I will take her powers myself but not yet she is beginning to trust me and she will do whatever I want."

I can't believe it. How could he?

Then I fell causing me to fall in the door. I quickly got up and ran Loki not far behind. He grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him. His eyes were not his normal green they were blue like the creatures in the room with him.

"Where you easdropping?" He spat in my face.

"Let me go. I thought you loved me you were only using me" I finally got him to let go, "I hate you. If you want my powers well come and get them."

I ran to Frigga and Odin's room. I told them about what happened. They said he was under the creatures spell and that the only way to get it out of him would be to knock him out.

I go back to my room and Loki's sat on the bed and when I walk in her stands and walks towards me.

"Amelia I..." before he could finish I smached him around the head with a little ornament.

"I'm sorry Loki" I apologised.

I called for the guards who took him to the healing room. After a couple of minutes I went to see if Loki was okay. I sat next to him he had a bandage wrapped around his head.

"I'm so sorry Loki" I held his hand.

"Why did you do that?"

"You were under a creatures spell and that was the only way to get it out of you" I laughed.

"It's not funny" he squeeze my hand.

When the healers let Loki go we went for a walk.

"I'm so sorry" I apologised for the 100th time.

"Stop apologising it's fine, well my head hurts a little."

I stood on my tip toes and kissed his head "better?"

He laughed and pressed his lips to mine. Someone cleared there throat causing us to pull back.

It was Fandral.

"What is it Fandral?" Loki asked coldly.

"Loki" I hit his arm.

"Could I speak to Amelia?" He asked.

"Go on then" Loki said Coldly.

I hit his arm.

"I mean alone."

"Loki just go please" I sighed.

"No if he has something to say just say it."

"Loki just go!" I shouted.

He wasn't moving. So I walked thurther with Fandral.

"What is it?"

"At the ball I saw you when you were about to kiss me you looked at Loki."


"You were just using me get to Loki went you?"

"No I.."

He walked of Before I could explain. Loki looked well not pleased.

"What were you talking about?" He asked.

"Nothing, nothing important that you should worry about" I kissed his cheek.

We walked to the dinning hall and Frigga and Odin were eating.

"So did it work?" Asked Odin.

"Yep" I laughed, "Is there any news on Thor?"

"Why don't you ask him yourselves."

He walked in with Jane clenching onto his arm with a big smile.

"Welcome back" Loki smiled.

"Thank you brother" Thor nodded his head.

Frigga gave him and hug and kissed his cheek "welcome back dear."

After dinner Odin and Frigga were going to throw a ball tonight for Thor's return. I decided to give it a miss my head hurts so much and I feel sick.

I walk back to my bedroom.

"Amelia are you  okay?" Asked Loki.

"No my head hurts and I feel sick" I sighed.

He kissed my forhead "you must get some rest."

I climbed in bed and so did Loki. I laid on Loki chest as he played with my hair making me fall asleep. I didn't hear a knock on the door as guard came in.

"Prince Loki" he bowed.

"What is it?"

"Fulla she is coming for Amelia" he didn't look at Loki.

"Does Odin know?"

"Yes your majesty."

"Your dismissed" Loki said still playing with my brown locks.

The guard bowed and left.

"I promise I will protect you with my life" he whispered, "no matter what."

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