{Chapter 7}

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I had finally falling asleep!

I woke up on the floor? "How on earth?" I asked myself, "I guess I found the floor more comfortable than the bed" I got up putting the pillow and duve back on the bed.



"Amelia are you awake?" I heard Frigga's sweet and caring voice ask. I went over and opened the door "sorry did I wake you?"

"No no I woke just a couple of seconds ago and found myself on the floor" I laughed.

Frigga laughed, "breakfast is served."

"Oh okay I'll quickly change."

I ran over to the wardrobe grabbed a dress and changed in the bathroom. At breakfast Loki was still staring at me and we were joined by Sif, Fandral, Volstagg and Hugan. They were very nice and wanted me to go practice after breakfast. I said yes I might as well learn to protect myself.

When we finished breakfast I ran back to my room to change. I put om some leggings and a top with a pair of black boots. When I arrived to the training ground they were waiting for me.

"Sorry to keep you waiting" I apologised.

"It's fine" smiled Volstagg.

Sif helped me and showed me her moves. She was an amazing worrior I really want to be a great worrior. Hopefully one day. At the end of training I fell to the floor in exhaustion. I saw Loki stood watching me the whole time.

"You were great" Fandral held out his hand to help me up.

"Can't wait to tomorrow" said Volstagg.

"See you then" I smiled.

When I was walking back Fandral came running after me, "my lady!"

I turned around, "yes Fandral."

"I was wondering" he paused, "There's a ball tonight and I was wondering if you would like to a company me?"

"Yeah sure a ball sounds fun" I smiled.

He kissed my cheek, "see you then."

When he walked away I started to make my way back to my room when I saw Loki leaning agents a pillar.

"I was going to ask you to the ball but I guess Fandral was a step a head of me" he had that smirk on his face.

"Go away Loki go find another girl to follow around. I'm pretty sure there are many other girls in Asgard" I slam the door behind me.

Why is he so annoying? Can't he for goodness sake leave me alone?

I look through the wardrobe and try to find a dress. I found a beautiful flowy red dress which hit the floor. It was beautiful well everyone of the dresses Frigga gave me were beautiful.



"Amelia are you ready to go?" Frigga asked.

"Yes I'm coming!"

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