{Chapter 9}

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It was too late I landed outside my house. I run to my front door and see Nathan through the window. I lightly knock on the door as I didn't have my keys. As he opened it I throw myself in his arms.

"Amelia" he looked me head to toe "is it really you? Where have you been?" He asked.

I didn't say anything all I wanted to do his feel his soft lips against mine. A couple seconds later we pulled away and smiled gazing into eachothers eyes.

"I missed you so much" I saw tears forming in his eyes.

"I missed you too" I gently kissed his lips.

I told him all of what happened. Well not all not the Fandral or Loki thing. I want to forget about it all.

That night Nathan had to go home so I was home alone. I sat in bed staring at the ceiling thinking about what Heimdall said.

Me a star? Really?

I closed my eyes and tryed to forget all that happed. Then the voice, Loki started to come back.

"Your mine" he said.

When I woke up the next morning there was a knock on the door. It was Jane.

"Jane what are you doing here?" I huged her.

"I wanted to come and see you it's been ages. I thought we could catch up" she smiled.

"Sure come in."

We sat in the kitchen she told me what happened when Thor firs came to earth.  That she ran him over twice. I couldn't help but laugh. She told me about the dark elves and about what happened. She told me Loki died

"He died?" I tilted my head.

Was I imaging all what happened? Was I losing my mind?

"Jane a couple of night ago I was visted by a god" I paused.


"No Loki."

"How he's dead."

"He's alive" I told her all of what happened and I told her that Thor missed her. She smiled I could tell she missed him as much as he missed her.

Jane said she needed some place to stay as she was going to a scientist thing for a month. So I said she could say I mean we can talk about our Asgard experiences.

All night we laughed eat and watch TV. When it was time to call it a night I showed her to the spare room and I went back to my room. Nathan called me to say he will be back tomorrow.

In the night I had the same dream this time it was Loki, Thor and Jane. I  was in a dark room Thor and Loki's hands tied to the ceiling. They were screaming and blood covered their faces. Their clothes were in tats showing scars and bruises. They kept screaming and screaming. I was being forced to watch and jane. She stood by my side held by these creatures. I woke up shaking sweating and crying.

"Amelia are you okay? What happened" Jane ran in.

I shaked my head, "I..I...I...I don't know" I stuttered.

"Your shaking" she huged me, "it must of been a nightmare. You were screaming."

"I'm so sorry" I apologised.

"It's fine I couldn't sleep" she sighed.

"Why not?"

"I had a dream a bad dream about me, you, Thor and Loki."

"What happened?" I asked curious.

"Loki he was, he was being tourchered and Thor. We were all tied up being forced to watch. It was horrible."

Weird? I'm not the only one who saw it? hang on if me and Jane saw it did Thor and Loki?

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