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I turn away as well and giggle to myself, knowing that he is embarrassed for getting caught. As I carry on writing out and answering my equations, one of the students at the back who i know the name of, starts humming loudly.

Ive pretty much finished the work so I just place it to the side, turning to Yu na, who was looking at Taemin dreamily but I don't think she realised it. "Psst" i say quietly and it immediately gets her attention. "Oh hey how's your work? Do you need help?" She asks, leaning over towards my table.

Jimin was still turned away, throwing small pieces of paper at taehyung. "I'm fine but I feel a little awkward sitting next to him, it's scary" I whisper to Yu na as she covers her mouth and makes a cute excited sound.

"You like him don't you! It looks like he has something for you, I've been scanning him for basically the whole lesson" Yu na says teasingly. "Uhh no i don't think it's like that, keep your voice down it's embarrassing" I say, hitting her playfully.

"I can tell, I'm pretty sure everyone can. Normally he only does that to girls he is really interested in, and he has actually told people that" she says, winking and turning back around to Taemin who was quietly carrying on with his work.

I sigh again and shove it off, how can he like me? I look like any other generic Korean girl here. I have long dark black hair, I'm skinny and I'm pale as anything. What's so special jimin? As I pick up my pencil to set out some equations for my self, jimin turns back around, pretending to do his work.

I could tell he was pretending because he kept tapping his leg up and down rapidly and was overwriting the work. I smile to myself again. I hope my other lessons will have a productive teacher.

"So now we will watch a really long educational maths video, yeah just watch it" Dong woo says, hiding a packet of sweets under the table, eating them as fast as he could as he turns the lights off.

As the lights lower, jimin sits back in his seat and relaxes himself, running his fingers through his hair. Taehyung eventually awakens from his beauty sleep and throws a piece of paper back at jimin. Jimin turns around and smirks at him, throwing another one at him.

I just keep to myself and don't even bother watching the video, it was basically pointless anyway. Yu na turns around again and gives me signals about jimin. I pout at her and stare at the video, ignoring her completely.

Yu na gets frustrated and starts to write something on a piece of paper. Here we go. As she passes it to me, jimin turns around and immediatly looks at it. I hide it away obviously, and see what it says "jimin was eyeing you up when you were doing your equations, he is so into you"

I scrumple it up and throw it back at her face. She flinches as it hits her forehead. She sticks her tongue out at me and turns back around, chatting to Taemin. Jimin starts to glance at me again but I just let him do it because he was cute.

As time passes he was still looking at me at random times and then the lights switch back on and everyone basically freaks out and falls
Out of there seats. Jimin gets up and grabs his pencil back, smiling at me awkwardly.

I smile back and get up myself as the bell rings. Everyone packs up there stuff as fast as they could and all trampled out of the classroom. Jimin was standing by the door for taehyung to lethargically get out his seat and hurry up.

Taehyung drops his books all over the floor so I decide to help him out. I pick up a couple
Of them and stack them back up, holding them out for him to take back.

"Thank you ji su" he smiles slightly, and then proceeds to walk back out with jimin. As taehyung leaves in front of jimin, jimin winks at me and strolls out of the door.

Yu na jumps on my back unexpectedly and shouts in my ear. "I KNEW IT!"


SCHOOL BOY || JIMIN || BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now