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*1 year before* December 11th...

Jungkook P.O.V

All I could think about was her.

Her beautiful long black hair, her dark brown eyes and her slender figure.

It's such a shame that I never had the confidence to text her. Call her. Or even have jimin help me.

"Hey kookie want me Get you another coffee?" I hear him say as he eats his rice, but all I'm thinking about is Ji su.

"Hey kookie want me Get you another coffee?" I hear him say as he eats his rice, but all I'm thinking about is Ji su

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"Dude!" He snaps his fingers in my ear and it startles me, the leftover piece of cake falls onto my Levi jeans.

"Oh thanks jimin! I was way out of it you know!" I say, slapping his hand, scolding him.

"Dude I'll wash them for you if you can't do that! I'll even buy you some new ones" Jimin replies staring at the piece of cake smushed on my leg.

I laugh it off and try to get as much of it as possible off my jeans before it stains them permanently.

I hear the door jingle softly but I don't bother to look up because my jeans are more important.

"One black coffee please, one sugar" a small sweet voice enters my ears, I turn around softly to see a girl, long black hair, dark brown eyes and a slender figure.

She looks exactly like Ji su.

As I gaze at her awkwardly, she sits down with a friend, she had shortish fawn coloured hair, she had blue contacts in by the looks of it.

"Hey Ji su! How was your morning?" Another girl asks, taking a sip of her tea.

"It was okay, Yu na, I'm actually staying here in Busan for another year and getting into the school around the corner since it's the holidays now." Ji su says, swiping the hair out of her eyes.

It really was her, it was really the girl I saw on Facebook.

My heart started to flutter vigorously, I didnt know my heart could beat at such a fast pace until now.

"Hey you got the hots for someone huh?" Jimin asks playfully hitting my arm as I still gaze at her softly.

"Koooooookayyyyy" he whispers loudly, hugging me suddenly, to get me out of my trance.

"I swear if you don't stop I'll kick you where it hurts

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"I swear if you don't stop I'll kick you where it hurts. I'll do it twice"  I threaten smiling widely at him as he points his tongue out at me.

As I glance back the door already jingles and she's gone.


"Yeah I gotta get back to Eomma becasue she will kill me if I don't do the dishes, cya kookie!" Jimin says ruffling my hair as he walks out into the street.

I had to see where Ji su went since her friend was still there, she must of had to go.

As I get up and step out into the cold winter of Busan, I see her, her hair flowing in the wind as she sits on the edge of the beach wall, her feet dangling in the strong wind.

She had her earphones in listening to loud music as she watched the waves.

It must of relaxed her.

This was my chance, my chance to talk to her once and for all.

As I step across the busy road I stand behind her and go to tap her shoulder.

My body stops me somehow and i can't seem to have the guts to do it anymore.

She suddenly gets up and it startles me, I turn away and pretend like I wasnt even noticing her, watching her walk off down the road, her coffee in her hand.

The only chance I had... and I blew it.

She probably has more chance getting with Jimin than me, since she's moving to my school.

All the girls seem to love him.

What's wrong with me?

What's wrong with me?

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Thanks so much for reading my story if you have stuck all the way through!

It really means a lot, I'm still working on my other story so I'd be happy if you could check out that one, once you have read this one till the end.

Thank you!


SCHOOL BOY || JIMIN || BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now