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As I carry on staring at the sky, time flew too quickly and it was time for me to go home. I get up slowly and tap my finger on Yu na's nose and she flinches and opens her eyes quickly, looking up at me in confusion.

"I need to go know, it's getting late and it's basically 6" I say, standing holding my hand for her grab mine. As she grabs my hand, her hand felt super hot for some reason and it was actually kind of alarming.

"Why is your hand so hot?" I ask, still standing with her, scanning it. "Oh my phone just overheated" she replies quickly, grabbing all of her books and walks off without any other sort of explanation.

"Okay? Bye?" I say, heading towards the gates and out back into the still, busy streets. As I clutch my books to my chest so I don't embarrassingly drop them because I couldn't be bothered opening my bag again, it started to get way too dark.

So I basically speedwalk home and as I arrive, the door was already unlocked which was convenient. As I step my feet onto the soft carpet, I slip off my shoes and put them aside.
I could hear faint mumbling in the kitchen, so obviously I go to check it out quietly.

As I peer through the door, mum and dad were discussing something so I decided not to listen to it because that would be rude. So stroll back upstairs and head into my room, opening the door slowly again.

As I sit on my bed lightly, I put all my books
Back in my bag and zip it up. It was obviously time to go to sleep or relax and because there was nothing else to really do. When I got into my bed wear I just get into bed and put my earphones in for awhile.

Scrolling through social media was fun I guess, it's better than sitting around doing nothing. It was 7 at this point and I normally go too sleep at 8. As I look through my recommended people to add as friends, surprisingly Taemin came up there.

He must of only just got Facebook so I sent him a friend request straight away. As I scroll some
More, I eventually find taehyung and jimin RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER. it's as if they are so close even Facebook wants them to be close, it's super weird.

"Ugh" I say to myself and scroll past it like it didn't even exist. Most of the people that were in my recommended were just people
In my class that don't really speak to me so I just ignored it.

Eventually when I fall asleep with my phone rested on my face, it was morning already and mom was standing over me intently. "I'll drive you to school this morning" she says, pulling the covers off of me and I get up lethargically.

As she walks out of the room I get dressed straight away into my uniform and brush my teeth. I skip breakfast because I was going to be wayyy too late.

As we both get into the car, mom puts on the radio straight away like most days and drives as SLOW as possible. I was basically late now and I was panicking because I had english again with Heon woo and he will probably
Give me a detention.

As we arrive  I kiss her cheek and run out towards the school building and speedwalk as fast as I possibly could to English. Surprisingly again no one was there so technically I'm not late? As I wander in to sit in my seat Heon woo was writing a poem on the board.

"Welcome back" he mutters but carries on writing, not saying much at all. After minutes and minutes of no one showing up, Taehyung arrives with a lifeless jimin trailing behind him.

He looked really exhausted but really full of life as well? How can he pull that off? "So I see you didn't show up to the detention boys? What a surprise, you better show up to the next one." Heon woo says,  correcting the poem on the board.

Jimin had his cap on and his uniform all scruffed up like yesterday. Once again I don't really say anything to him and just open up my book quietly, attempting to do some sort of work today.

He tilts his head slightly and looks at me intently. As I look back at him, he doesn't turn away or look embarrassed at all. I didn't know what to say to him because all he was doing was staring into my eyes and smiling at me.

Once again I smile back and get on with my work quietly. "I like that poem do you?" He points, still staring at me like I'm some sort of goddess. And then I noticed that the tables were rearranged into twos again.

"Um sure?" I say still writing my sentence. He suddenly looks over my work and tries to correct my errors, getting as close as he could to be as possible. As I looked up at him awkwardly, his face was very pale and beautiful and he was still smiling like a little child as he rearranged my words and sentences.

As I glance over to Yu na's table, she winks and turns back to Taemin who was looking just as tired as everyone else.


SCHOOL BOY || JIMIN || BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now