Chapter One

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In an instant, Mr. Nick disappeared. Before he vanished, he was handing over the list of topics for an essay. Just like any normal cloud of dust, it all seemed like a magic trick. It was so sudden that all the students looked at each other.

Greyson Newman could only smirk, glancing behind at Scarlett Russell, who was staring down at her phone. The black screen was only present, as she had been charging it beforehand. One student named William Conley opened the class door, looking down the hall. There had been other students running and jumping around.

"No teachers! It's time to party!" Will shouted as the students began to cheer. Some hopped onto desks, jumping around on them. People were raiding Mr. Nick's desk, stuffing his chocolate bars into their pockets. Scarlett glanced up at Greyson with her dark blue eyes.

"Well, isn't this an unfortunate situation? All the teachers happen to disappear," Scarlett remarked. "Is the Dauntless Leader going to say his moving speech?"

"You know me well," Greyson said, while Scarlett stood.

She watched Greyson walk to the front with his hands at his sides. It is something she has gotten used to ever since the two went to Uden Academy. It wasn't just any academy, but one for the troubled and rich.

Basically, if your parents couldn't handle you, they'd send you here. Most wealthy families sent their children here, even when they didn't have a problem. Her mother sent her here since sleeping with random men was important to her.

"Scarlett, let's check the halls. I want to see what else is going on," he said.

The two entered the long halls with maroon lockers on each side and walls painted maroon and black—the academy's colours. There were some peeking out of their classroom doors, wandering around, or huddling with a group of classmates.

"Greyson!" Preston Ellis waved a hand, holding a bunch of magazines. He walked toward the two as he placed one of the magazines in Greyson's hand. "Victoria Secret magazines!" Greyson hit him hard with the magazine.

Scarlett laughed, her eyebrows raised. "I'm not a pervert like you," Greyson spat as Preston gathered the magazines from the ground. "Did your teacher disappear?"

"Apparently, everyone's teachers disappeared. I haven't checked downstairs. Mia told me that nobody was in her class," Preston explained.

"So, people over the age of fifteen vanished?" Greyson asked.

None of it made any sense. The basic fact is that people aged fifteen and over magically disappeared. Nobody knew why it happened, but it brought a sense of joy. If it were people fifteen and older, that would mean no adults. There was no teachers to seduce into getting what she wanted.

Scarlett watched as Greyson walked into the classroom again, this time bringing out the desk chair. It was wooden, without a cushioned seat. He stood, and Scarlett watched as he grabbed a shoe from the ground with his mind, throwing it at a locker. Conversations stopped in the hallways as all eyes turned toward Greyson.

"I know we are all worried. The reality seems to be that everyone aged fifteen and over has disappeared. I'll get the information we need. We may be going to Simcoe since this could be their fault. Group together, and make sure a few of you bring the children to Simcoe. I'm sure some of you know how to hijack cars," Greyson said.

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