Chapter 7 -- I'll cut off your hand

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My feet hit a hard surface that sends a shock through the rest of my body. The impact is almost crippling and I bite my lip to hold back my wail. My knees almost give out on me. How far was that jump?

Taking a look around me, I see that I'm in a basement looking area. The cold atmosphere and smell of mold surrounds me as I listen for Owen's and Drake's voice. I'm tired of being blinded by florescent light tonight.

I turn around while still being invisible and find that there is an open door leading from the spacious room. I swear if they're hiding from me they're going to experience one heck of a hail storm.

"Dude, I don't care how much you beg me, I don't have time for this." I hear Drake's deep yet whiny voice say. I inch closer to the open door.

"We need your help. She's on board with taking down The Undergrounds. Why won't you help me make her a convincing villain?" Owen throws back at Drake. I'm silently observing in the door frame at this point. The tiny room they're in is just a supply closet. A pull string hangs above their heads for an uncovered lightbulb.

Drake crosses his arms, "I just can't work with a girl with so much ego."

Owen squints at Drake, "What do you mean?" What does he mean? I've never had a huge ego. If anything, I've always been extremely self conscience.

"When you tell a girl they're hot, they're not supposed to stomp on your foot and walk away."

It's true that I did that, but he wasn't telling the whole story. I didn't intend to speak up now and blow my cover.

"Drake, if I know you, you didn't just call her hot." Owen rolls his eyes.

"You can't deny it though." Drake points an accusing finger at Owen. I think I'm going to run off to Canada at this point. I'll be there in about 10 seconds.

Owen's response surprises me, though, "You're such a weirdo sometimes. You know she's Mason's little sister, right?"

Owen knows Mason? Mason is two grades ahead of me, while Drake is only one. They did play football together, though. Thank goodness Mason never invited him to our house.

Drake folds his arms over his chest, "I'm aware."

Owen shakes his head, "If you touch her, I'll cut off your hand on behalf of Mason. But we do need your help. Come on, Drake." Owen pleads.

I watch Drake's eyes narrow towards Owen. What exactly is Drake supposed to help with?

Drake sighs, holding out his hand for Owen to shake, "On one condition," Owen is an inch away from shaking Drake's hand, "I call all the shots." They shake on it.

Suddenly I'm terrified of what that may entail.

"Let's go back up there, she's probably worried I abandoned her." Owen walks out of the closet and Drake follows after him.

"You can't tell her about this place, though. No one can know this room exists."

Excellent, now I have blackmail.

I watch as Owen and Drake fly up into the hole that I fell from. Wait a second, there isn't another door? Della, you idiot! They can fly, and I'm stuck down here.

My life is the worst.

"Della?" I can hear Owen calling my name. Now he's going to think I ran away. He'll go looking for me and won't even realize I'm literally right under his nose.

I begin to rummage through the supply closet and find storage bins. Stacking a few on top of each other, I push them right under the hole and climb on top. Perfect. For once I'm not too short.

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