Chapter 21 -- I'm tired of alleys

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The instant my eyes lock on her, I know I'm in trouble. She never comes to our house. Is what Jonas said true?

Is Sophia here to return me to The Undergrounds?

"I'm looking for Jonas." She says, rolling her eyes at my brother's attitude. My breathing hitches. It's true, Jonas has been talking to her.

Mason crosses his arms, "Why would he be here? Check his house." Mason is about to slam the door in her face. Honestly, that's the stupidest thing he could do, given she obviously has information. I'd rather not assume Jonas and Sophia were already a thing in my absence. I know Jonas and I are... on a break?... but I still don't think Jonas should date her.

Sophia slams her hand against the door before it closes all the way. She pushes her way through the door and barges into the living room. This is either really serious news or she's just being her usual obnoxious self.

Before Mason can kick her out, she spills her story. "Jonas is gone. I already checked his house. I was on my way to tell him that Della went missing, and now he is too!" She begins to grab at her hair and pace the floor. I've never seen Sophia look this stressed.

"Calm down," Mason begins slowly, but I can hear the panic rising in his voice. "What do you mean Della went missing?"

Sophia catches her breath. "She was working with Owen. Owen came back last night and said she just disappeared. He said 'how are you supposed to track down an invisible speedster?' He seemed really upset, but he wouldn't talk to me about what happened." For a second I think she's going to start hyperventilating.

Mason opens the front door and escorts her out of the house. I find myself curious enough to follow, and I carry the photo albums out with me. After the door closes behind Mason, he allows his voice to raise.

"I was just talking to Jonas. Do you think Jonas went to find her? Or that she went to find him? Are they running away together?"

Does my brother really see me as the type to secretly elope? I want to laugh at his accusation, but I keep my laughter under control. This would be a terrible time to reveal myself.

"I don't know. I was going to look for you and Ash next. Something strange is going on."

Mason says exactly what I'm thinking, "Maybe The Undergrounds took Jonas when Della ran away. They're holding up their end of the deal."

My heart plummets to my stomach. I've created a mess. Jonas is trapped until I return. What will they do to him? My mind races with possibilities.

I think I'm going to be sick.

"Wait. I think I know what's happening. I'm an idiot!" Sophia covers her face with her hands.

"What?" Mason asks eagerly.

Inside, I hear my mom calling out to my dad in the kitchen. Mason's eyes widen in panic. "We can't talk here. Come on." He grabs her hand and flies off without a second thought.

I'm left alone on the porch, wondering what just happened. As much as I want to know what Sophia's Eureka moment was about, I don't have time to try and follow them all day. The quicker I put puzzle pieces together, the faster I can get Jonas out of The Undergrounds.

I make a dash towards the public library in the town over. The one that wasn't bombed by villains in a firey explosion. I still think about that day and how I beat my personal time. What if I didn't get Jonas and myself out in time? I realize that's the same day I went into The Undergrounds and stole the files. Would Mason have gone in if Jonas and I didn't make it out alive?

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