Chapter 13 -- Bad puns

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Maybe I haven't gone into far enough detail of why I despise Drake. Here's the top five reasons why I loathe him.

1. He's arrogant
2. He's a flirt
3. He belittles me
4. He embarrassed me in front of the whole school
5. He never apologized

There's plenty of more things that aggravate me, but those are the things that stick out. Kind of like how his hair is sticking up right now. I chuckle as he tries to flatten his cow lick in the front of his hair. For once, he woke up not looking fresh as a daisy.

"You can stop staring at me, Della. Even models have their occasional imperfections." He pats his hair with gel.

I roll my eyes, "Admitting you have a problem is the first step to solving it. Although, I don't think we can solve ugly."

Have you ever had a moment where your inner savage comes out and you think 'whoa, I need to calm down'? This is not one of those moments. I was preparing to mercy rule Drake today. I never promised Owen I would be kind, I just said I would go.

Owen intervenes, "Okay, guys. I'm not asking us to do crazy trust falls and sit in a circle and tell our feelings, but we all agreed to work together. Drake," Owen turns to him, "We're coming to you to teach us how to be villains. Think you can do that?"

"Sure thing." Drake finally pulls his eyes away from his own reflection.

"Yeah he's a natural at being despicable." I mutter under my breath.

Drake looks from me to Owen, "Seriously? Can I fight her yet?"

Owen facepalms, "It's going to be a long day."


Considering we arrived at Drake's apartment around 10 a.m, we were making the most of our day. After Drake's lesson, we are going to go to The Undergrounds for a meeting with the Board. Apparently they want to know how I'm progressing as a villain.

At the moment, I'm learning more about how to be narcissistic.

"Alright, look at yourself in the mirror." Drake grabs my shoulders and turns me to face myself.

"Why?" I question.

Owen interjects, "Della, just, try and see what he can do." He's sitting on the brown leather couch writing something in a solid black notebook.

I stare at myself, like Drake suggests. My white hair is still an adjustment, especially knowing it's more permanent this time. Maybe I should get some colored contacts too.

"We're going to work on your evil smirk. It has to be mischievous, like there's something you know that your opponent doesn't."

I think it over. I'm good at smirking, but not in an evil way. Maybe I should just pretend that I'm a mind reader and I know more than they want me too. A smirk comes to my face.

"Great! Just put a little more of a glare in your eyes. It makes it more intimidating." Drake folds his arms across his chest as he watches my reflection in his full length mirror. I do just as he says.

"Great. Now, on to your posture. It's too... For lack of a better word, heroic. You have to slouch a little bit, lean your weight on one hip, cross your arms over your chest. That's how you want to look as a villain."

I feel like I'm trying too hard to look cool, then Drake adds, "Don't forget the smirk." After putting it all together, Drake and Owen wear a smirk of their own.

"Perfect." Owen muses, walking over to us at the mirror.

"What's next? Smack talk?" I laugh, turning around to face them.

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