Chapter 33 -- Roasting like a marshmellow

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Della's POV

I wake up in a daze.

Where am I? What happened?

My first thought is that I'm back in The Undergrounds, locked behind bars. But what I'm laying on is definitely softer than any floor I've slept on. After my eyes adjust to the dark, I realize there are other people in the room, actually laying on the floor. My heart races as I try to figure out what's going on. In the sliver of moonlight peaking through a single window, I squint at the white door across the room.

That door is mine. It has all of my bands on it. I'm home? But how? I look back down at the people on the floor, realizing it's my brother and two best friends. Is this a cruel dream? The last thing I remember, I was falling off of a building. There is no way this is real life.

The closest person to my bed is Jonas. He begins to shift, eventually waking himself up. By the time I've turned back over, he's already alert.

"Della? Are you awake?" His groggy voice makes me feel bad for keeping him up.

"Yes," I turn back over to face him. "Go back to sleep."

I can't make out his facial features in the dark. He shakes his head, his curls springing around with the movement. "I can't now that I know you're okay."

"What happened?" I ask.

Jonas sits up straight, "Mason saw you falling from the roof. He flew in and caught you. You fainted in his arms. Your mom said Steel Hawk pushed you." I freeze up at the mention of Steel Hawk. Jonas takes notice.

"Hey," He stands up and sits beside me on my bed. I feel a lump in my throat. I didn't defeat Steel Hawk. "It's all okay. Your mom injected the power disabler. Steel Hawk and the other villains were arrested. Della," Jonas grabs my hand gently, because I'm too stunned to look at him. He's still in his super suit. I'm still afraid this isn't real.

"It's all over now."


Jonas didn't get many words out of me in the few minutes we were both up last night. I vaguely remember laying my head back down on my pillow, feeling numb to the world around me. I wake up to find Ash and Mason aren't in my room anymore, but Jonas is wide awake in my bean bag chair.

"Hey sleepy head." Jonas beams from across the room as I make myself sit up. I've never been a crazy party person, and I've never had a single alcoholic drink. But I'm just guessing this is similar to what a hangover feels like.

"What time is it?" I ask, slurring my words as I roll out of bed. I let out a huge yawn.

Jonas chuckles, "Noon. But you did wake up around three am, so I told everyone to let you sleep in." Yet, Jonas himself did not sleep in.

I wipe some of the crust out of my eyes. Honestly, why should I be embarrassed about my looks around Jonas anymore? He's seen the worst of me and still sticks around.

"Well thanks for that, I needed the sleep. The only problem is, should I eat breakfast or lunch now?" I take a few steps towards the door, only to feel really lightheaded with the few steps I take. Jonas immediately stands to his feet, and rushes in to help me keep my balance. He places his right hand on my waist, steadying me. At his touch, I flinch.

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