Chapter 29 -- I hope to get mugged

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Sophia closes the door behind us. I seize the moment to make a snarky remark. "I forgot to mention the last time I was here - I like what y'all have done with the place. It's even more cold and uninviting than before."

A smile forms on her lips, and I can tell she has a comeback forming. "All that blood looks good on you. It really brings out the dirt on your face."

I bite my tongue with a smirk. She won't kill me. She has too much fun hating me while I'm alive.

She scoffs, startling me in the slightest. "We're awful people."

I shrug as I sit down on the white leather couch. Sophia turns on a few lamps, enough to give us light but not wake up her parents. I'm give out, completely exhausted, and ready to slump into the most uncomfortable couch I have ever seen, but Sophia has my attention now. I sit up straighter on the couch, and she takes a seat in the white leather recliner across from me.

"Do you remember when we stopped being friends?" She crosses her right leg over her left. Am I being interrogated?

"Uh... Like, 8th grade? Freshman year?"

She nods, sinking back into the recliner. "You want to know why?"

I snort, "Well it definitely started with the way we roast each other."

Sophia chuckles too, "Yeah, but I mean what caused my whole change of character all of a sudden."

A brief moment of me trying to lie down and get comfortable takes place before I reply. "I'm not Jonas, so I don't know for sure, but I'm going to guess you got powers and started working in The Undergrounds."

Her laugh makes the conversation a little more lighthearted. "Maybe Jonas' powers are starting to rub off on you. The thing is, being a villain was all fun and games until I realized my social skills went down the toilet. For some reason, I was the only girl villain roaming about. Just because we all came back to The Undergrounds to hang out, doesn't mean we were all friends. I've never despised a group of guys more than those imbeciles. I was hateful and bitter towards everyone I came across in everyday life, just because that's the way I was being treated by everyone in The Undergrounds."

"So I can tell..." I dare to say aloud.

She clears her throat, indicating it isn't my turn to speak. "Anyways, I knew from the start that Mickey was Red Raven. We were dating while you two were dating. Well, Red Raven and Night Haze were dating..."

I cough up a lung, "You're Night Haze? One of the villains that busted out of jail?" My mind races back to my hospital visit, watching the news station. 10 villains on the loose, and I was completely useless.

She scoffs, "Girl, if it weren't for me, those idiot villains would still be thinking of a way to get out. They just reported me as one of the fugitives when they saw me running away with the crowd."

I contemplate this for a moment. "How did you bust them all out?" I ask, my curiousity getting the best of me.

"It pays off to have night vision and the power of concussive blasts, I'll leave it at that. Anyways, while you were dating Mickey, my alter ego was dating his alter ego. As smart as he was, he really should've known that was only going to end terribly for him. By the way, the hail on his car was a nice touch." She gives me a thumbs up and I pretend to bow.

"But why did you let that go on, knowing you were being cheated on?" The fact that Sophia allowed Mickey to cheat on her is mind-boggling. Who would do that? Why would she do that?

"It was too complicated back then to reveal everything to you. I knew you were Rapid Glare though, and I knew you were his threat." I swear, I'm just going to get a face tattoo of my name. "But I knew you wouldn't believe a word that came out of my mouth, so that's why I kissed him in front of you at the game. It was my odd way of saying 'he's going to hurt you, and I'm doing you a favor'."

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