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Later in the night, I was woken up by a loud thud on my balcony. I shot out of bed. Grasping the nearest object that could ward off an intruder, I tore the door open. But what I found was just a curly haired mess of a boy knocking on my window.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Harry was standing there grinning like a fool, fully clothed; thank God.

"Hey, love, I was going to ask you for our writing homework," he stood there, trying to contain his laughter. I scowled at him.

"You mean copy MY writing homework?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Yeah, that was the idea," he chuckled.

"It's one in the morning! I was asleep!" I was beyond annoyed with this strange, puzzlingly attractive character I had just met.

I sighed, giving in. At least he had the cuteness factor going for him. "Fine, come in. But after that, don't disturb me," I warned.

He saluted me. I backed inside as this strange boy walked in with me. We surprisingly made friendly conversation as I watched him copy my homework. All the while, he had this stupid smirk on his face. I started to wonder if it was permanent.

"Can I take a wee?" he suddenly asked.


"I believe you Americans call it the bathroom," he said rather snidely.

"Well aren't you awfully rude," I countered.

He stood up. "Are you going to tell me or do I have to find it myself?" I didn't answer. He groaned, rolling his eyes at me. I raised my eyebrows.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"Why are you so incredibly difficult?" he leaned toward me, his eyes burning into mine. My body froze; a million memories came flooding back to me: A car, hands everywhere, I didn't want. No. No, no, no. There was no way this was happening right now.

"Get out." I whispered. "Leave. Please."

"Wait, what did I do?" he looked concerned.

"Just go," my voice was trembling as I lightly pushed him out of my room and onto the balcony. I saw the shadow of his body standing there for a moment, before he sighed audibly and climbed back. Only after I saw him leave did I let the tears flow freely down my face.


The next morning, as I was getting ready for school, I couldn't help but think about Harry, and how I had behaved so poorly to him. I told myself I'd apologize today. I looked through the unworn clothes on my hanger, feeling sad that I couldn't wear them, only the uniform. I found my favorite beanie and put it on. At least this is a little piece of home, I thought.

I did my makeup the same as I always had. After a couple bites of Reese's Puffs, I had put my earphones in, and started out the door.

The clouds were more ominous than usual, and it put me in an weird, dreamy funk. It wasn't that it was dark, but strangely bright, and I slid my pair of RayBands onto my face as I continued on. I had gotten to about the end of the street when I realized I was being followed.

I didn't even have to look to know who appeared by my side. "Hey, still annoyed with me?" Harry was wearing a pair of sunglasses similar to mine, and I'd be lying if I said he didn't look good. 

"I'm getting over it," I answered, grinning slightly, taking my earphones off, and pulling my jacket tighter around me.

We walked in silence for a few minutes before he blurted, "Do you miss America?" I was taken aback by the sincere curiosity in his voice.

"Yeah. More than I thought I would. It's the strangest thing; you think you'll never miss something, but once it's gone, you don't really know how to live without it. I've been having a rough time." I had to stop as an unexpected lump formed in my throat.

I coughed, and looked over at him, this outrageous, obnoxious boy, who was listening to every word I said. "Tell me what it's like; I've never been," he asked. I talked a bit about Missouri for a while before I fell into an awkward silence.

We walked a little while and I spoke up. "Listen, about last night. I didn't mean to be like that--"

"Hey, it's okay," he stopped and looked me in the eyes, resting a hand on my shoulder. "It's fine." his words comforted me, and I smiled slightly. We walked, comfortably quiet, until we reached our school's gate.

He stopped to look at me. "Well, see you in class, neighbour!" he gave me a grin that lit up his whole face, and I couldn't help but smile back. As ridiculous as he was, I think I was getting a soft spot for the curly haired boy.

The day went smoothly, and soon enough, it was final period. The girls from the day before were chatting quite loudly as I walked into class and took my seat in the corner. I internally rolled my eyes: they were the type of girls I didn't particularly like.

A few minutes went by. Rowe began to take roll call, and Harry was still nowhere to be seen. "Harry Styles?" Rowe was clearly annoyed. He continued on with a sigh.

Then, just as he was about to call my name, in flew Harry from god-knows where, looking a bit frazzled and out of place.

"Again, I was stuck in traffic," he said, sitting down and smiling at me. Weird, I thought, I had found a friend.

You Still Have All Of My Heart. (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now