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Outside, the boys were standing around in their disguises, and I could barely recognize Niall from under his sunglasses and hat. I laughed at their appearances, trying to look like I didn't just literally run away from Harry as he came out to join us.

"Hey guys," I said softly as Harry appeared at my side. He shot me a look of confusion and I brushed it off, sliding my sunglasses over my eyes as well and put my hood on. I walked with Zayn and Liam at the font of the pack, trying to ignore the feeling of Harry's eyes on me.

The ice rink wasn't too far from our hotel, and we made it there in minutes. Louis caught up with me once we were lacing our skates. "Hey, Lou!" I was genuinely excited to see him, and his eyes crinkled when he smiled.

"Sooo," he said, bumping his shoulder with mine. "How was last night?"

"Nothing eventful, I promise," I looked down at my skates.

He noticed my sulking. "Alright, spill. What happened? You two looked cozy at dinner last night, and now Harry's looking a you like a little lost puppy, and you're not talking to him."

So, I told Louis everything, the event this morning and how weird the connection between us felt.

He sighed, "Sounds like you two need to sort your feelings out, but how?" He suddenly got a flash of mischief across his eyes, and I became frightened.

"Lou, don't do anything embarrassing, please," I pleaded.

He stood up with a smirk on his face, and pranced over to Liam, Zayn, and Niall, whispering fervently. I groaned, putting my head in my hands. Harry was going to the bathroom, and when he came back, the boys looked down at their shoes, trying not to laugh.

I wondered what they had in store for me. We quickly scampered out onto the ice, noticing

not a lot of people were out today, which was good for the boys.

I was trying to get my footing when Zayn came crashing into me, sending us both sprawling across the ice. "Hey! Watch where you're skating!" I laughed, helping him to his feet.

Zayn gave me a look, and then glanced towards Harry. I could see him out of the corner of my eye, staring at the two of us with extreme intensity. Oh my god, they were trying to make him jealous. "Good luck, little T," he said in his funny accent, and skated away.

I let out a sigh, and rolled my eyes. I found Niall, skating by himself. "I see you've been abandoned as well," he said smiling when he saw me hanging on to the side. "Topher, I just want to let you know I'm not in any way apart of this little scheme Louis has planned," he softly said to me when we passed Harry.

"But I've seen the way Harry looks at you, and I know he feels the same way. It's like you guys have known eachother in like, another life or something. I can't really place it." I stopped skating, and looked at Niall.

"Wait, I have something to tell you. You see, Harry and I haven't been completely honest--"

"You guys fucked?! I knew it!"

I slapped a hand over his mouth to keep him from shouting, sneaking a frantic glance over at Harry.

Thankfully he was chatting it up with Louis.

"No! No, nothing like that! Here, sit down with me." on that bench by the rink, I told Niall about my past with Harry, and what he did to me when he left. When I was done explaining, he let out a low whistle. "Well, that explains a hell of a lot. That's why he was acting so weird when you first came. He didn't know what to say..." Niall trailed off as he slowly pieced everything together.

I smiled sadly at him. "And here we are, still just as confused as ever. But hey, if the boys think this whole plan will work, maybe it just might," I said, nudging into him.

"I'm glad you told me," He patted my shoulder.

I stood up from our seat, pulling him up with me for a hug. "You're a great friend, Nialler," I mumbled.

"Same to you, Toes. But I think you should let go now because Harry kind of looks like he's going to kill me."

I turned around to spot a very angry looking Harry from across the ice rink. He tired to mask it by joking around with Lou, but he kept sneaking glances at me. "Well," Louis called after about an hour, "I'm beat. Let's go back." I groaned inwardly, knowing I had a lot of things to talk about.

I was way ahead of the rest of them when Louis caught me by the arm. "I'll have you know, I've been talking to Harry all day and he seems pretty gutted you won't talk to him," he whispered. "But he definitely feels the same way. You're all he ever thinks about, from what I've gathered," he smiled over at me.

I blushed bright red, not daring to look back at the curly haired boy I loved so much more than words could ever describe. We made it back to the hotel, where we parted into our separate rooms. "Here goes nothing," I whispered as I hugged them goodbye.

Immediately after Harry and I walked into our room, he grabbed my wrist. "Why are you not talking to me." the shock between us came again, and he dropped my wrist.

I tried to smile. "I'm sorry, I'm just having a rough day," I said, averting his eyes.

"You're a terrible liar, Topher McCoy." I looked up and his face was inches from mine, his green eyes flecked with gold and brown.

I swallowed, getting lost in them again. "I just..." it was now or never, I decided. I was just about to continue when we heard a knock at the door.

Harry stepped away from me awkwardly, and went to get the door. It was Louis, waving enthusiastically at me. I waved back, until he began to make sexual gestures at Harry, to which I groaned. "Hello to you too, Lou," Harry said laughing, noticing what he had done.

I retreated to the bathroom to wash my face and put in my contacts. After redoing my makeup, I emerged to find a very sleepy looking Harry, flipping through the channels on TV. I coughed awkwardly, and his eyes snapped up to meet mine.

Butterflies rose in my stomach, and I blushed, thinking about what I was about to admit before Louis thankfully interrupted me. "Hey," he mumbled. "Feeling better?"

"Much." I averted my eyes as he stretched, exposing a strip of skin between his shirt and his boxers. "Ummm, what do you want for dinner?"

"Actually, Louis invited us to their room for a little party, if you're interested. I won't go if you don't." his eyes pierced mine, trying to figure out what I was thinking.

I forced a smile, trying so hard not to think about Harry's eyes and how beautiful they were. "No, I'll go."

You Still Have All Of My Heart. (Harry Styles)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz