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We arrived in London at sunset, where I offered to have the boys sleep at my flat, since it was only a block away from the venue. It gave me time to do real laundry and sleep in my own bed for once.

I couldn't help but get a pang of excitement as I put my key in the door, with five of the most desirable men in the world trailing behind me. As I pushed the door open, the familliar smell of home came back to me, making me smile.

I turned to the boys. "Well, welcome to Casa de Alexandria. The fridge is completely empty, but the cabinet is to your disposal."

I wheeled my bag into my room, and rejoined the boys who were admiring my living room. "Topher, this place is awesome!" Zayn told me, looking out the large window that provided most of the light in the apartment. I always loved that window; the lights of the entire city shone through.

"So, I am assuming we can fit all of you out here if we move the couch out of the way..." I trailed off, grabbing tons of pillows and blankets from the closet, throwing them on the ground haphazardly. In a few minutes, I had single-handedly transformed my living room into one giant mattress.

The boys had found my stash of Reese's Puffs, and was currently devouring it dry. Niall was chewing like it was his last meal ever. "So good," he mumbled with his mouth full. Liam and Louis had gone off to talk to their girlfriends on the phone. I hadn't met them yet, but I've heard they were very beautiful, and meeting them made me anxious.

"I can go get milk, you know. The store is like, 2 minutes away," I offered. He shook his head with his entire body, sending cereal flying from the box in every direction.

I sighed; this was going to be a long couple of days. I left the Irishman in the kitchen. Zayn was reading a book, not paying attention to anyone.

I figured they were all set, so I walked back into my bedroom. As I flipped the light on, I walked straight into a body. With a thump, the two of us crashed to the floor. Harry chuckled from below me. "Whoa, T, no need to get agressive, there's plenty of me to go around."

I rolled off his body, helping him to his feet. "What the hell are you doing in my room?"

"Oh, no reason," his eyes flashed mischievously. I narrowed my eyes at him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Harry Styles, what were you doing in here?"

"Nothing, I swear!"

"Spit-Swear?" I held out my hand.

"Spit what?"

I laughed, "Nevermind, it's an American thing. Now, get out!"

I pushed him playfully out of the way. I closed the door, and tried to calm my beating heart. My face flushed just thinking about Harry as I pulled off my dirty clothes, stepping into the shower.

Once I was finished, I searched for clean clothes, settling for a cut up  t-shirt and gray sweatpants. I emerged to find all of the boys watching the football game on TV, shoving their faces with popcorn. Do boys ever stop eating? I wondered.

I plopped down between Louis and Zayn. "I see you've all made yourself comfortable?" None of them answered; they were completely engrossed in the game.

I laughed, standing up and walking to the cabinet. "Man, I sure do hate boys, they're so gross," I yelled pointedly as I grabbed an applesauce.

I ate the whole thing in two bites, not realizing I was that hungry. "Well, since none of you are talking to me, I am going to watch a movie about cutting arms off now." I walked into my room, drew the blinds, and popped in 127 Hours.

You Still Have All Of My Heart. (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now