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Well, friends, I think we've come to the end of our journey. I must say, it's been a great ride :)

I would have never imagined that so many people would enjoy this story! I didn't have much confidence going into writing this; I was just putting down my dream, basically. I've always wanted to end it like this. That way, you can think up the ending any way you like!

I want to start off by thanking you for reading! It meant the world to me, and if I could give each and every one of you a big bear hug, I would! To my subscribers and dillegent commenters: You are, as I would normally put it, "the bomb dot-com". I seriously wouldn't have gotten this far without you!

I hope I haven't let anyone down with the way I ended YSHAOMY (like the abbreviation?.) and if I have, I sincerely apologise :(. Be sure to read the other stories! You won't regret it.

I'm really bad with ending messages, so I'm going to leave you with a thought: Kiddie pools of applesauce, with rabbits hopping about in them.

That was weird. I'm sorry. But I had a laugh thinking about it.

Oh! And if you'd like to read more of my stories or if you have the time, please check out my other Harry stories, Far Too Many Good Intentions, and The Place We Used To Love. I also have written a Niall story, Tell Me You Remember. It would mean so much if you read them! Thanks LOADS for all your support, and I love you :)

Okay, now seriously, bye guys.

Love you long time

Nat xx

If you have any questions about this story--or any of my stories really--feel free to drop by my Tumblr!

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