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When the plane landed, I was even more frazzled than before, and all I needed was Harry's warmth around me. But we were separated exactly like before, and Dani, Ellie, and myself left the plane with the rest of the passengers.

Walking through this airport was a completely different experience. Instead of hoards of teenage girls, there were only a few. What we really had to face were the paparazzi. Flashes came from everywhere, making it blindingly white. On top of the stress I was ready going through, it was probably the least enjoyable thing I'd ever had to endure.

Danielle and Eleanor linked arms with me, dragging me along. I couldn't help but notice they looked so incredibly used to this chaos.

"You guys deal with this all the time?" I yelled over the noise of the cameras clicking as we piled into a waiting car.

Ellie smiled, taking my hand. "You get so used to it, you hardly notice they're there. Some of them are actually really funny!"

"I was asked once if Liam and I were married yet," Danielle laughed, shaking her head. We waited for a few minutes before we heard the screams becoming louder. The five boys hurtled themselves into the car, slamming the door behind them.

The van began to drive away quickly, and I breathed a sigh of relief when I felt Harry's hand intertwine with mine.

Arriving at the hotel, we were bombarded by more cameras at the door. Harry's hand was still wrapped around mine and for a moment I had a twinge of uneasiness at the realization that these girls were about to kill me. But there were bigger things to worry about, and me and Harry both knew that.

Once in the safety of the hotel room, I let the tears flow freely, burying my head into his chest. It wasn't that they were tears of sadness, they were tears of disgust.

"Harry, he came to my house, searching for me. He talked to my mom," my voice broke as I tried to continue. He remained silent, rubbing circles into my back, listening to me. "I don't understand why he just won't leave me alone."

Harry stepped away from me suddenly, running a hand through his hair. "That deplorable excuse for a man deserves to be put away for life. I swear, if he even so much as looks at you, I'll--"

I reached out to touch his arm, pulling him back to face me. "Who says he'll even find me? And what can he possibly do, when I have you and the boys to protect me? You're all I need."

"I just...I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you, Taz. I--" he said softly. I looked up at him, and for the first time, I saw the tears in his eyes spill over. "I don't know if I could live with myself."

I brushed them away, cupping his face in my hands. "I love you. So much, and nothing will ever take me away from you. Don't forget that," I whispered.

I pressed my lips against his, tasting the salt from his tears, and knew this was where I called home, my safe-house in this raging, chaotic life. I knew exactly where I belonged forever, and it was in Harry's arms.

You Still Have All Of My Heart. (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now