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"So, wait," Niall said after a while, "You're going to pick out our outfits?"

"Yes, that's my job," I laughed. He nodded and went to go get something to drink from the fridge. I had met these four, and I already adored them. I decided to not say anything about the fifth boy, and sat quietly, texting my friends.

It became late afternoon quickly, and the bus sped along down the highway to our first show.

Liam had fallen asleep on the couch next to me, his head rolled back on the window.

It was a very humourous position, and Louis and Niall both tweeted pictures, making kissy faces at his sleeping form. I'd only known them for a few hours and I already knew me and the boys would be good friends.

At about 2, Zayn came back out to the front of the bus, in real clothes. He shot me a shy smile, sitting down on the couch, and began texting.

The bus stopped outside the venue, and my eyes went wide as I took in all of the screaming girls waiting outside. I had no idea how big these guys were. It was now three, and there was still no sign of the fifth and youngest member I remembered all too well.

Suddenly, there was a huge commotion as armed bodyguards climbed aboard. I was shocked at the precautions these guys had to make.

The bodyguards herded the four boys off the bus, and into the mob of screaming girls. They pulled at their clothes, their hair, anything they could. I was terrified.

I snuck safely to the back door of the venue and I leaned against it, still unaware of where Harry could be. I watched from the doorframe as another bodyguard went onto the bus.

There was a sudden burst of screams louder than I had ever heard before. I could only stare in awe of the boy being dragged along by the guard, girls chasing after him like rabid animals. My breath caught as I caught sight of what had caused the mayhem; I almost hadn't recognised him.

I watched as Harry Styles threw his head back in laughter, running toward the door...The door I quickly realized I was standing in front of. His eyes flashed with happiness while he looked at all of his screaming fans.

And then slowly as if in some kind of movie, our eyes met for the first time in two years.

His face instantly changed from delight to utter confusion when he recognized me, and

my eyes narrowed in anger and sadness. Crossing my arms over my chest, I turned to walk inside.

"Topher? Hey, wait," he called, but I didn't answer. The foolish tears were already making their way down my face.

I didn't understand why I was so worked up about it before, but now I knew: Harry Styles had broken my heart, and I would never forgive him. I cleaned up in the bathroom for a minute or two to compose myself before walking out to face the masses.

It was utter chaos in the dressing room, the boys and crew members scurrying around like chickens with their heads cut off.

Harry immediately turned to look at me when I walked in the door. I pretended like I didn't see. "Alright guys," I clapped my hands to get their attention, "Time to do my job."

I picked their clothes, hurling the fabric every which way, averting my eyes awkwardly as they changed. After he was done, Harry promptly left the room, which I was grateful for.

Louis took it upon himself to pose in front of the mirror, admiring my work. "Ooh, I look goooooood," he cooed,bounding over to pinch my cheeks. I laughed and pushed him away, forgetting almost entirely about Harry for a moment. This boy had no off switch, I thought to myself.

I sunk down on the couch, weary from today's drive. The boys were performing in an hour, so I had time to kill. The hair people came in to do their 'magic'. I was still seated on the couch when Harry reappeared. The look on his face was indescribable. Something was obviously up, and all of the boys noticed.

Liam walked over to him. "You alright, mate?" he asked, his head tilted with curiosity. Harry's eyes flickered over to me for a second before swallowing and smiling to try and mask what was going on.

"Yeah, just a bit tired."

Liam patted his shoulder, and came to sit next to me. "And how are you miss Topher?" his eyes were like a puppy dog's; large and innocent. He was adorable.

I grinned, "Very well, Mr. Payne." I nudged his shoulder, and began to play on my phone. Me and Liam continued to talk while Harry was getting his hair done.

I acted friendly, but every once in a while I would look over at Harry, who had taken the liberty of glaring at me in the mirror. I admit it, I wanted to make Harry feel horrible. But he deserved it for deserting me, leaving me without so much as a goodbye.

Liam and the rest of the boys had noticed him staring, and burst into laughter. "Holy shit, no need to get moody over there, Harry," Niall said, still smiling.

Harry huffed and crossed his arms. "I wasn't." he quickly scrawled something on a scrap of paper, locked eyes with me for a moment, and dropped the note into my bag on the table making sure no one saw but me.

He kept his eyes on mine, his expression turning from confusion and sadness to frustration. With that, he practically stalked out of the dressing room, mumbling something about 'getting something to drink'.

The guys were sitting around, looking at each other awkwardly. "Well, I reckon I better see what's up his arse," Louis got up and left the room.

I laughed nervously, and glanced at all of them. "Don't take it personal, Topher. It must be his time of the month," Zayn muttered, chuckling a little.

The hour passed quickly and soon after the boys had to leave me to go perform. As soon as everyone had left the room, I ran over to my bag and opened the piece of paper.

In Harry's messy scrawl, it read: "We need to talk."

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and grabbed my bag to leave. I walked alone to the bus. The driver smiled at me, "Hi Miss Alexandria, there's a bunk open just above Harry's." Oh, just perfect.

"Great, thanks," I said smiling, to try and hide my disappointment. I changed into sleeping clothes and trudged over to the hallway with my laptop. Sure enough, in the narrow corridor, there was a row of bunks.

I could tell which one of the boys' beds was which, even in the short time that I'd known them, based on the state of messiness. Liam's and Zayn's were noticeably the most clean, and I laughed out loud. The dirtiest, top left one was Louis's, right across from an equally as messy Niall.

Harry's was comfortably in between--I knew that for a fact-- so I climbed up to the top bunk, my bunk.

I sat up and listened to music for a while, before I completely passed out.

You Still Have All Of My Heart. (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now