Nursing Rikuo(2)

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Phew. I finally left sigh. Wouldn't she suspect to my words,right? I left and prepared breakfast for everyone with Kejoro and Wakana-sama. I have breakfast with them and head to my room to change uniform for school.

Time skip
I thought for a while which i forgot something.

"Where is Rikuo? Also Yui-san."Kana asked. Oh that's right. Then ran out and couldn't listen to them. I ran in pant and head to my master room. I saw Yui-san standing outside.

"Why are you here?Yui-san"I asked.

"I'm here to give a cake for you and Rikuo. I just learnt Rikuo-kun sick."she answered. I paniced and pushed Zen away and don't care what happened to him. Nothing is important than my master.

"Waka, I'm sorry. I was careless and clumsy. I didn't know that you are sick. Please punish me as you wish until you satisfied."

Suddenly i felt my hands become hot because of my master's fever it almost burn my hand. I quickly put my hand into the bowl. Later i put some ice into bag and put on his forehead before looking for medicine.

Third person's pov

Kiyotsugu and his friends head to Rikuo's house for visit. They saw Yui sitting beside Rikuo.

"Yui-san"Yura called out. She turned her head and greet them. Kana asked

"How are you feeling Rikuo-kun?"

"much better"he replied.

"I will grab medicine for you, where you placed?"she sat up and walk to one door.

"Kana-chan, please wait. Don't go there."he told but she didn't listen and opened the door. The door suddenly opened and Tsurara revealed with medicine in her hand.


"Ienaga-san"they said each other.

Tsurara seemed shocked because of their sudden visit and almost blew her snow from her mouth. Rikuo noticed her action and sweat dropped and gave her glance not to make. But she let her coldness gave the others shiver. Tsurara quickly rushed to Rikuo side and gave him medicine. No one knew that someone(Yui) reading their minds.

Kana's thought- "What is she doing to Rikuo? What is her relationship with him? And why was Yui-san is also here with him?"with hint of jealous.

Shima's thought- I hope Oikawa-san will nurse me like that.

Natsumi and Saori's thought-What was that i felt just now? I made me shiver.

Yura-I wondered if this house really have yokais(like always)

"Ok, put that nursing aside. I'm going to announce plans for golden week."Kiyosugu said.

"Golden weekend?"

"I'm getting a bad feeling about this."shima, Natsumi and Saori said.

"Since you guys have nothing to work, come with me. We're going to meet a professor of yokai who I have been in contact previously. Location is Mount Nejireme where i also have holiday house. In his area where even a great numbers of yokai legends remain. We are going for yokai training camp."he said with excitement.

Rikuo's pov

He sure have no fear. Sigh. I changed into my night form last night.


It was totally made me exhausted.

"Rikuo-sama"i heard and turned to see a rat.

"It was honor to meet you. I am from Kyuuso clan. We lived in 1st street, Ukyiyoe District. I have come to informed you that Ienaga Kana, Keikain Yura and Kanzaki Yui got kidnapped."he said. What? How did that happen?

"Please show me the way."i said and after him. He stopped in front of bar.

"it was for adult"before i could finished my word, someone hit me from behind. When i woke up, i was in the big room which was fancy.

"Yo, are you finally awake?"guy with blonde hair said."are you the part of Nura clan?"i shocked.

"Who are you?"i asked. Someone kicked to my stomach.

"How dare you look down on Master Kyuuso who was emperor of night." Emperor?"

"Hey brat listen carefully. Right now the world of yokai is moving away from old era,into one of many different"evil organization". I want to expand and develop our evildoing. We don't want to be led by a little whimp like you."

The curtain opened and showed Yui, Kana and Yura in the cage.

"Leave them alone."I said.

"It was for our clan sake. The old yokai led by you can't survive this age. We will be the one taking commands of Nura clan. Withdraw and announce that you won't be taking a position as third, got it?"he said and grabbed my collar and said

"If you don't, I will kill this girls." I head back to my mansion. Karasu-tengu asked when i told me what the hell was going on. I felt powerless because i am human.

"Rikuo, you better not give them what they want"my gramps said. Even though he said like that it wasn't changed my mind. Ryoutanneko who was a head of Bakeneko who was under my clan said

"Whatever you said you will save them or not it wasn't my business. I need to get revenge for my people and take my town from me from that creepy and disgusting rats." He stand for his people even though he was injured. But I am human and weak.

"No, you are not."I heard soft voice. I turned to voice I heard from cherry tree. There was a girl with silver hair in kimono sitting was same with the picture Tsurara showed me.

"You are not weak. You are strong. Please believe me. Don't ever talk like that you are powerless because of you are human."she said with soft voice.

"Who are you?"before i finished she jumped and stood in front of me. What made me shock was she kissed my forehead. She smiled and disappeared. Later I heard another voice.

"It's time to show your true strength."

"My strength?" Then i suddenly felt my body become light. I changed to my night form.

"Let's go guys, time to hunt rats."
Flash end

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