Saving Hihi

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Hi, everyone. Thank u so much for reading my book. Sorry for not writing these days. I will try my best. In this cheapter, i wrote based on original one. Please vote and comment me. Please let me know about your opinion. Thank you so much. Please enjoy my new chapter.

Third person's pov

New enemy is coming. Hihi from Nura clan who was follower of Nurarihyon, got killed by someone. After enemy gone Sakura came to Hihi. She checked his breath whether he was still alive or not.

"He still breathing. Hurry, we need take him to our place."she ordered Usui. He picked him up and placed on Karabune(it means something like cart. I don't know what it is called. Please don't hate me for not knowing).

Sakura waved her fan at other yokais who almost die. Their wound healed. After healing she replaced the fake Hihi because she doesn't want enemy to know that about Hihi. She want Rikuo know about enemy so she placed a paper in the hand of one yokai

At that time there was a general meeting at Nura mansion. Hitotsume still talking about the punishment for Gyuuki. It gave Rikuo headache.

"Gyuuki promised me if I become more strong and become reliable he will also work harder."Rikuo said. His grandfather gave him permission to decide as a future heir.

"There is no way he will become third heir if he keep doing like this. Our group will become weak. Are u idiot? Look around you. No one-"

"Hey, we didn't say anything"everyone walked away. Hitotsume thought he said too much. Suddenly the room was silent too much.

"Hitotsume,are you going on keep saying it's for group till the end,eh?"

Rikuo's aura become dark. Hitotsume thought something was different about Rikuo.

"Then, you want to try testing me too,like Gyuuki?"he asked. Rikuo smirked and patted on Hitotsume's shoulder.

"Just kidding. Why don't we go back to our seat and continue meeting?"Rikuo asked.

Rikuo's pov

"Everyone, please be quiet. i want to announce something"Mokugyo Daruma said.

"By the requisites of General Commander based on the succession of the position of young head, Rikuo-sama will be candidate for third heir. If by the age of thirteen, adulthood of Demon no other candidate appear, then he will become third general commander."

He said. I will become third heir and protect everyone. For my Sakura. When she return to me, I will never let her go again.

As soon as I became third heir, I will marry her. I will lead all yokais with her by my side. But I suddenly noticed someone was missing at meeting. Who was it? Got it. It was Hihi. Why didn't he come? Suddenly the door opened and Sasami revealed.

"Rikuo-sama, it was emergency."she said.

"What's wrong?"

"Hihi-sama was...dead"she said. What? No way.

"Show me his corpse"Zen said. We all head to guest room and opened the door and saw Hihi. Zen head to him and check his pulse.

"He's dead. But there's a cherry scent on him."he said.

"Rikuo-sama, there is also letter. We can't open it. There's your name on it. One of yokai from Hihi-sama gave me. Here"

Kuromaru gave me a letter and i opened it.

"Rikuo-sama, don't worry. This corpse is fake. Hihi was still alive. I took him with me to heal him. I don't want enemy noticed about it. Rikuo-sama, please be careful. Enemies are coming. One of yokai from Kurota Neko clan got hurt few days ago. The way Hihi got hurt is same with him. I will inform you if there's news about enemy. When the time come i will meet u. I will always help u. Please don't let everyone know about me but u can tell Gyuuki and Nurarihyon. Oh, how is Gyuuki feeling? I hope his wound was healed. I was worried. I really miss everyone. But you are the first one i miss most. See u soon. Love u. Sakura"

The letter end. Everyone looked at me with curious eyes. I put letter into my sleeve and said

"It was nothing. It said about new enemy. They killed Hihi" i said but lied about Sakura. Few hours later, we all head back to our room and grandpa stayed and ordered Kejoro to prepare funeral for Hihi.


I turned around and saw Gyuuki. "What's wrong,Gyuuki?"

"please tell me truth about letter"

"geez, I can't hide from you. Ok, come with me."

Then I took him to my room. I showed him letter. He looked at with serious face. After reading he gave me back letter.

"So Sakura-sama was still alive?"


"I really glad to hear that. But why didn't she return?"

"I was also wondering."i said. Gyuuki stood up and walked outside. I headed to  my bed and thinking about Sakura.

Hihi's pov

It hurts. Am i going to die? Darkness is  surrounding me. Suddenly i saw light at my front. I reached to it. I opened my eyes and saw celing. Where am I? Didn't I die?

"Oh, you are awake. How are you feeling,Hihi-san?"

I heard beautiful voice and turned around to see owner. I saw girl with red eyes. No way. It can't be. She giggled and asked me why am i looking at her like i was seeing ghost.


"Yes?"she smiled.

I thought she was dead. She put her hand on my shoulder to stop me from getting up.

"You can't get up. You got hurt. Don't worry about your clan. They are safe."she gave me assuring smile.

"Please rest and sleep"she put her hand on my head and i drifted to sleep.

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