Chapter 6

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The day had finally arrived. Carlos ran along the croquet field with Dude while the VKs talked with their significant others' family. He put on a good front, but anyone who knew Carlos could see his heart wasn't in it. Evie had insisted on dressing him for today. She had gotten him into black shorts, a white collared t-shirt, a black vest, and a red tie. Evie saw Jane coming into the courtyard with Fairy Godmother, making her smile bigger.

She ran over and turned Carlos to face Jane. She smirked when she heard Carlos take a sharp breath. Jane was wearing a solid baby blue dress going down to her knees with three-quarter sleeves. Evie had stylized it with a white jean vest and white wedge sandals. The crossbones necklace sparkled around her neck and on top of her curled chocolate locks was a crown of white and blue lily buds.

Her blue eyes caught his brown ones. She sent him a smile and a small wave. He smiled back before Fairy Godmother broke the connection by leading Jane to Tyler and his family. His gaze reverted to his shoes and Evie squeezed his shoulders, comfortingly. A series of discreet nods  passed between the group. Jay came up to Carlos.

"Come on, dude." Jay told him, leading him to the stage. Carlos looked at the thief curiously. "Don't worry. You're gonna love this."

"You say that a lot and a lot of times it ends badly." Carlos argued.

Jay laughed and ruffled his hair, stopping him next to the small stage. Mal and Ben went up to the platform. "Attention, everyone!" Ben called, his arm linked with Mal's. The crowd turned to him, giving the couple their attention. "A couple of us have a very special demonstration planned to help out two of our closest friends." A murmur went through the crowd. "I'll let my beautiful lady of the court explain more thoroughly."

Mal smiled at him and stepped forward. "As Ben said, this is to help two friends who are very special to both of us. First I'd like to bring up the people who helped plan this." Evie, Jay, Doug, and Lonnie stepped up onto the stage. "Now, I'd like to ask Fairy Godmother to please come up here." Fairy Godmother had a confused expression but walked up and stood next to Mal. "And finally the two friends who we'll be helping. Fairy Godmother's lovely daughter Jane and my pseudo little brother, Carlos!"

The two teens came up to the stage, standing on opposite sides. "What are you doing?" Carlos harshly whispered to Mal.

"Just watch," Mal whispered back. She turned back to the crowd. "Now a couple of months ago the royal cotillion took place and Carlos took Jane as a date." A few of the princesses and queens let out 'aww's. "I know, adorable, right? Afterwards, they started dating briefly and fell in love with each other. However, Fairy Godmother has always had a plan for Jane."

Jane's face fell at the mention and Carlos had to force himself from going and comforting her. Mal continued, "Obviously, with Jane's best interests at heart and the motherly love she's known for, Fairy Godmother wanted Jane to be with a prince. And to not break the special bond Jane and her mother had, Carlos broke up with Jane." Carlos bit his lip, feeling tears burn at the back of his eyes. "In the month since that's happened, Carlos and Jane have been suffering more than any curse can cause.

"Now, my fellow VKs and I can't have that because for as long as we can remember, Carlos has been our brother. And Jane is too special in this world to torture her like this." Mal sighed, brushing her bangs out of her eyes. "So we've found a way to end their suffering."

Jane and Carlos' heads shot up at the prospect of all this ending. Mal smirked before speaking again, "You'll all notice Jane is wearing a beautiful crown of lily buds. These lilies are very special. In magic terms, they are called 'Love Lilies'." A gasp went through the crowd. "When enticed by true love's kiss, the lilies will bloom. All of us on stage intend to prove that what Jane and Carlos have is nothing less than true love."

Jane and Carlos both felt their hearts stop. They both knew what they felt for each other but this would solidify everything for them. Mal turned to Fairy Godmother, "You would never interfere with true love, would you?"

Fairy Godmother nodded. "Of course not. It's the most powerful magic of all."

Mal gently moved Fairy Godmother to one side of the stage. Lonnie came and pulled Jane and Carlos closer together. She took their wrists and had them lock hands. Evie stepped forward with a smile. "So Jane, here's the question. Where's your favorite spot for Carlos to kiss you?"

Jane raised an eyebrow. Evie and Lonnie chuckled. "Oh come on." Lonnie chided. "Every girl has one spot she loves getting kissed on. Mine's this little spot right under my ear."

Evie continued, "Mine's on my hand." She sent a wink to Doug. "And Mal's is on that spot right above Ben's ring." Mal rolled her eyes but a slight pink tinted her cheeks.

Jane blushed, causing Carlos to smile. "I love it when Carlos kisses my forehead." She answered quietly. "But before we do this..." She turned to her mother. "Mom, do you promise that if these lilies do bloom, that Carlos and I can be together? Do you swear on your magic?"

Fairy Godmother sighed with a smile. It was all she ever wanted for her daughter. She raised her right hand. "I swear on my magic that if those lilies bloom, that you and Carlos can be together."

Jane let out a breath and turned to Carlos. Their eyes locked, aquamarine meeting chocolate. He brushed a stray curl from her face, cupping her cheek in his hand. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against her forehead. Both their eyes fluttered closed in pure bliss. The air was still with the tension as Carlos pulled away from her. Only a second later, the crowd gasped then erupted into applause.

Carlos opened his eyes and his face broke out into a smile, unshed tears of joy shining in his eyes. Jane reached up with a shaking hand to touch the crown. The world seemed to stop when she felt the petals of the flowers.

The lilies had bloomed.

To be continued...

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