Chapter 17

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Cupid is now out of sight. I feel a clench in my stomach. I know that he can handle himself, but what if those cupids lead him to Valentine? I think back to what Cal said, about him being able to draw power from the approaching Valentine's Day.

Plus, there was something seriously off about the three that attacked us.

"I know what you're thinking," says Charlie, coming to stand beside me, "but no, there's no point in going after him. Come on, let's go find Cal."

I pause, peering into the darkness, then nod. I turn and follow her through the door into the bright reception area.

We're heading to the high stone desk when the transparent door beside it flies open. Cal strides in, past the startled guy sitting in Crystal's old place, looking flustered. He catches my eye and I see a mixture of relief and annoyance cross his face.

"Where have you been? I've been looking for you every..." He closes his mouth. His eyes flit over the shoulders of my black leather jacket, and Charlie's black top. They narrow, flashing silver. "Is that a disintegrated arrow on your clothing?!"

Charlie and I share a sideways look.

"Well... we were a little bit attacked..." I say. His eyes widen.

"What?! Explain!"

I raise my eyebrows. 

"Alright, Cal! Calm down!" 

"I am perfectly calm," he snaps. "Explain."

I nod.  Charlie and I tell him what just happened – the weird cupids across the road, how they shot at us, and then disappeared into the darkness. Cal's face darkens as we do. He's about to say something – probably scathing about how I should have stayed inside - when the door behind us swings open. I look over my shoulder to see Cupid, black arrow still in hand, stroll over the white tiled floor. I feel a wave of relief. "Oh, and Cupid's back," I add.

Cupid comes to stand in place beside me. I look at him in question and he shakes his head – his mouth in an uncharacteristically thin line.

"Whoever attacked you, they're long gone," he says his ocean eyes dark. "When I find them though..."

His jaw clenches. Cal looks between us, outrage clear on his face.

"It doesn't seem you looked very hard..."

"What was I supposed to do, brother?" Cupid snaps back. "At least I got here in time. Where the hell were you? You were supposed to be looking after her."

The air between them is heavy. I can feel the tension coming off Cupid's body, mixed with his body heat. It crackles around him. His eyes flash angrily as the two of them face each other off.

I don't think I've ever seen Cupid truly angry with Cal before. There was the time when they fought after Cal pretended he betrayed us back at Cupid's house - but that was all an act. This is real. It startles me a little. And though it probably shouldn't - it gives me a kind of warm glow.

Valentine's Day : CUPID'S MATCH BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now