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tobiezgoodbadboy : Hey, hey, Levi-aniki! If you were gay, who would you like?

For those of you who think I'm gay, I'm not. Clearly not.

What makes you think so, anyway? Is it because I physically abuse Eren if he doesn't follow orders? He is a brat. But sometimes I respect him. However, that doesn't make me like him.

To those who think I'm gay, shut your gay-ass mind and stop dreaming.

I'll never be gay.

But if I were...I would be gay for Erwin.

I'm not saying I like/love him. So.

Shut. It.

It's a what-if.

P.S: I saw the fanfictions author has been ranting on. Don't think you can fool me brats...I'm not gay. I'm not sorry that I crushed your dreams or your "ship". And by the way, why did you add 'aniki' beside my name?

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